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Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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[Expired] WinXDVD ripper 6.0 – Halloween Giveaway

Posted by Thomas On October - 26 - 20102 COMMENTS

The developers at Digiarity love holidays and to celebrate the release of  WinXDVD Ripper Platinum 6.0 they offer a time limited giveaway to all of our readers. Digiarty Software has rebuilt WinX DVD Ripper Platinum with a brand-new frame-work based on YOUR  feedback.

Windows Guides’ Rating Compatible with
1 Star1 Star1 Star1 Star0 Star5 out of 5 [ratings ID=5402] Windows 7Windows VistaWindows XPmac

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Almost too Simple DVD to AVI converter

Posted by Thomas On October - 22 - 20105 COMMENTS

Okay I needed a catchy headline here. If you don’t have too much money to spend on expensive DVD-ripping software, and have no luck winning a free license – then I have great news for you. This DVD-ripper is not only simple to use, its FREE!

bitRipper – Simple and userfriendly

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Prevent PowerOff Temporarily

Posted by Thomas On October - 20 - 2010Comments Off on Prevent PowerOff Temporarily

If you need to keep your computer awake while performing a certain task, but you hate the hazzle of editing the power options on and off all the time, this great freeware is for you

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Reducing icon Gridsize in Windows [Quick Tip]

Posted by Thomas On October - 20 - 20105 COMMENTS

I like my desktop neat and tidy, and I keep the number of icons down to a minimum. I also prefer to have them all lined up using the “Align to grid” function. However.

Since I prefer to use small icons, I found the standard grid size to be too big, making my desktop look untidy and hard to look at. Being a graphics designer I care about these things maybe just a tad too much, but I did find a solution, other than using a non-grid layout.

Reducing the grid-size in Windows

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The Difference Between BAT- and VBS-files

Posted by Thomas On October - 19 - 20103 COMMENTS

You might have seen it being used in some of the tips here on mintywhite. But what are BAT- and VBS-files, and what is the difference between them ?

The short version is that both kinds are small script files that can be used to execute functions or to do repetitive tasks. BAT is short for BATCH-file and is a very simple script-language from back then, when DOS was the ultimate PC OS. Some years later Microsoft decided (after much pun from the Linux, and Unix communities) to upgrade the functionality, thus creating VBS.

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Hide secret information inside Notepad [Quick Tip]

Posted by Thomas On October - 15 - 20108 COMMENTS

You must have figured it out by now, I love these little Quick-Tips. I also love to find new uses for “old” things. I recently re-discovered the LOG feature in Notepad, and this inspired me to dig out some more hidden features of this seemingly insignificant program that has been installed with every single Windows Version I can remember.

This time I’ll show you how to Hide important information inside a Notepad document.

It has been reported that this doesn’t work on FAT partitions, only NTFS.  But if it does – let me know.

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