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Prism: Run Any Site as Standalone Applications

Posted by Thomas On October - 28 - 2010

Thanks to advances in web technology, you can these days get tons of free Web Applications to suit your every need. These applications are increasingly powerful and usable. As a result, applications like Gmail, Facebook and Google Docs are soaring in popularity.

Unfortunately the web browser, which was originally designed for reading documents, is not an ideal environment for running applications. It is frustrating and time-consuming to wade through a mass of browser windows and tabs just to find your email client. Unstable applications can slow down or crash your entire browser. And many of the conveniences offered by modern operating systems are unavailable to Web Applications running in the browser.

Introducing PRISM…

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What’s Going on in Windows Forums?

Posted by Stu On October - 17 - 2010

Windows Forums is a community for users—from beginners to experts—who learn and share knowledge about Windows and PC’s.

You can get great help and advice from our resident team of super-geeks, browse our community art and tools sections, or just let it all out in the Shoutbox.  It’s entirely up to you.

Here’re some interesting topics you may want to check out.  Feel free to jump in on the discussion!

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Sandboxie Protects Your Computer from Everyone

Posted by Thomas On October - 12 - 2010

Tired of dealing with rogue software, spyware and malware?

Spent too many hours removing unsolicited software?

Worried about clicking unfamiliar Web links?

My kids have the strictest rules when it comes to using my computer (what they do on their own, is another case). It seems every time they use it I have to clean out the computer, removing search bars, add-ons, and other annoying ‘ware’.

Windows Guides’ Rating Compatible with System
1 Star1 Star1 Star1 Star0 Star
4 out of 5
Windows 7Windows VistaWindows XP Available for 32-bit systemsAvailable for 64-bit systems

I do wish I had Sandboxie a long time ago…

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Samurize – Convert your desktop into your Information-Desk

Posted by Thomas On October - 4 - 2010

Do you leave notes to yourself on your computer ? I do. At times my desktop is filled with “important” text files, containing some information of sorts that I need to remember. It can be anything from the grocery-list, a new movie I’d like to check out… etc. etc.

I love a tidy desktop, and a problem with these note-files, is that they tend to pile up, overcrowding my desktop. After A while they either get deleted, or moved into a dark, gloomy folder somewhere, to never be seen again.

I have come a cross a great solution – Now I can Samurize …

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4 out of 5

Windows 7Windows VistaWindows XP 32-bit

Samurize is not actually designed to work on Vista or Windows 7,  I have tested it on my Windows 7 computer running it in “Windows XP compatibility mode”, without any problems what so ever. [update: It seems it’s only the installer that has compatibility issues. The program it self runs perfectly without any settings, once installed]

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Windows 7; Easy Access to your User-Folder [Quick Tip]

Posted by Thomas On September - 18 - 2010

In earlier versions of Windows, a link to the user-folder was placed on the desktop by default.  Now you have to add it there manually, along with the “My Computer”, “Network”, “Recycle bin” and “Control Panel” icons.

In Windows 7 there are several ways to access the User-Folder, even if you don’t want it residing on your desktop. Here’s how.

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7Conifier: Change windows 7 icons without changing Theme

Posted by Thomas On September - 16 - 2010

For the icon collectors out there I bring you the greatest tool to change and swap between system icons without the need of changing themes or swapping each and every icon manually.

7CONIFIER is a tool is capable of changing all your taskbar and start menu icons in a single click. All you need to do is select the package you would like to use and hit “Apply”. 7CONIFIER comes pre-loaded with three packages and you can easily add more packages of your own.

Windows Guides’ Rating Compatible with System
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4 out of 5
Windows 7 32bit platform64bit platform

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