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ego Take Ego Surfing to the Next Level with knowem?

surfing Take Ego Surfing to the Next Level with knowem?

(screen shots courtesy of dictionary.com)

In common parlance – typing your name into a google search box and seeing what comes back.

Here’s a site that let’s you go crazy – and it’s free!

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Driver Race Car 500x366 Find out which Drivers are Installed on Your PC [Quick Tip]Knowing which drivers (and versions) are installed on your computer is necessary when you want to keep them updated. But how do you know which versions (and which drivers) are installed on your system ?

Let me show you …

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How many times have you downloaded a file to your hard drive then could not find it again? How many times have you downloaded a file, found it, stored it somewhere, then couldn’t find it again? How many times have you looked at your “My Documents” folder and thought ‘what a mess!’.

The sad truth is that having a great collection of things – be it software programs or even garden tools – is useless if you can’t lay your hands on an item in a timely fashion.

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Remove Viruses And Malware in Safe Mode [How To]

Posted by Angel Luis On October - 8 - 20104 COMMENTS

system32 RSVR85 27 Remove Viruses And Malware in Safe Mode [How To]Being infected by virus or malware is something very common these days. Sometimes it’s very hard to remove these infections. Modern forms of malware try to avoid detection by altering the Operating System. Others attack your antivirus so it cannot work properly. This means that if you get infected by a virus newer than your antivirus definitions there is a chance you can’t get rid of it.

In this post I am going to address this problem and show you a way to solve it.

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desktop wallpaper449 Desktop Wallpaper: 39 High resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 9]

We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.

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hulu Ultimate Media Center: Integrate Hulu Desktop into Media Center

I stumbled upon this neat trick a little while ago and thought it would be a good share for the rest of you “Media Junkies” out there.  While we do have to wait a little over a week to get Google TV here in the states, which will combine over-the-air broadcast TV from your set-top box and videos you can access over the net, this little fix brings that to you now if you’re running Windows Media Center. It combines the beauty and ease of use from Windows Media Center with the vast amounts of content available on Hulu.

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