I stumbled upon this neat trick a little while ago and thought it would be a good share for the rest of you “Media Junkies” out there. While we do have to wait a little over a week to get Google TV here in the states, which will combine over-the-air broadcast TV from your set-top box and videos you can access over the net, this little fix brings that to you now if you’re running Windows Media Center. It combines the beauty and ease of use from Windows Media Center with the vast amounts of content available on Hulu.
First, make sure you have Hulu Desktop installed. Hulu Desktop is great for a PC hooked up to a TV, as it is remote-friendly and has a great interface. Get it from the Hulu site here.
Second, get the install file from this site. It’s basically a small script that creates a Start Menu entry for Hulu in Media Center, and when the entry is “clicked”, it minimizes Media Center and launches Hulu desktop.

The script runs in the background, so that when you are done watching Hulu and close the program, it maximizes Media Center again and takes you back to the Media Center Start Menu.
That’s it! You’ve just made it possible to launch Hulu from Windows Media Center and return to WMC when you’re done. What do you think?
Mike recently graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems and currently works as a data manager in the organ transplant department for a large healthcare company, mainly working with Oracle databases and systems administration and occasionally doing some web development. On the side he enjoys playing with the Android platform and Windows Media Center. He also spends time as an administrator on the Mintywhite Forums.
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Looks good i I can only get it working on Windows Vista 32-bit. Integration program says I don’t have media center installed when I clearly have it installed.
Just a note for those using this outside of UK/US – most shows are geo-coded and will not work. Boxee is a good alternative.