Windows comes with a built in voice system, which I wanted to utilize recently. In this guide, you’ll learn a Visual Basic script that is only a few lines, which will give you a popup box you can use to type in anything you want your computer to say.
This script utilizes Microsoft’s speech API, which is installed on most Windows XP, Vista, and Seven installations; if this guide does not work, you do not have the SAPI.
Speak to me!
Copy the following text and paste it into Notepad
Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
Save the file as ‘speak.vbs‘ (be sure to include the .vbs)
Now double click on speak.vbs and you’ll see an input box. Type in your message, press enter, and listen to your computer speaking.
If this Doesn’t Work…
You’ve probably run in to one of two problems:
1. Your browser displays the quotation marks differently. Go back to the Notepad file and replace all the quotes (”). Save the file and try again.
2. You do not have the SAPI installed on your computer, so this will not work (very unlikely as this comes with Windows, but if you have a custom/pirate version this may be the case.)
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18 Responses to Get Your Computer to Say What You Type [HowTo]
Oh my gosh! It worked really well! This is sort of like the ‘text to speach’ translator I have on my site for WebTV users. It includes four different voices to choose from.
Really neat! Thanks, Rich!
This is a cool little VB script. It worked for me.
it works.
It works. It can also be done by accessing control panel–Sounds,speech…—Speech. In the “speech property” box select the ‘text to speach’ tab. You can figure out the rest. You can even change voices there.
If you have Ubuntu, you can use a program called Festival to do the same.
osx is easier in doing this
has had it 4 a while
Pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
Cool! Worked for me!
this is already on all windows computers…no need for a code! lame!!
ha ha.
Just like on the Amiga I had 15 years ago.
awesome, it works perfect
MEHHHH! my OS is best it did it 10 years ago with 6 voices in 10 languages! plus it s**ks me off! top that s**t posers!
f*****g fanboy homos.
Just four lines of code and its working perfectly..Superb
this is already on all windows computers…no need for a code! lame!!
yeah, but this is another way to access it.
f*****g fanboy homos.
osx is easier in doing this
has had it 4 a while
but thats not the point!
penis burger
i never knew having may computer say penis burger would bring such enjoyment…well ok i lie, i did know that, but stubling on sites like this just make me do it again..yey
Wonderful! My family thought I was on MSN with Steven Hawking!
for the apple fanboys, osx was released in 2001 and xp was released several months later but Microsoft’s speech API has been included since windows98 after the applefad is over and you are tired of spending 4 times what a computer is worth and tired of jobs dictating what you can and cannot use your overpriced piece of sh1t mac to do. then you will all be annoying windows fanboys again….
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