There are plenty of Defragmenting programs out there - each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Defraggler stands out as an exceptional piece of software that I highly recommend. Defraggler works with Windows XP and Vista.
What does “Defragment” mean?
When you constantly add and delete files on your hard drive, they become fragmented.
Think of this as follows: You have a library full of collections of books. Each of these collections represents a file on your hard drive. You take one book from the collection and put some sticky notes in the book, making it too big to fit back on the shelf, so you put it on the end. Every now and then you get a new book for a collection; these too need to go on the end of the shelf. Maybe you sell a collection and buy a bigger one to replace it. Unfortunately, the whole collection doesn’t fit in the recently made space so you put half in the space and half at the end of the shelf. You do this for years and you have a mess on your hands. Defragmenting “re-orders your book collections”, and makes access to them a lot easier.
Why is Defraggler so good for this job?
Defraggler Takes Care of Individual Files
Most defragmentation tools only let you defrag the whole drive. Defraggler gives you the power to select individual files and folders to defrag. So you can get the job done in seconds, rather than waiting for the whole drive to complete. Of course if you want to defrag the whole drive Defraggler will let you do that too.
Defraggler is Compact and Portable
Defraggler was written in the same compact architecture as other Piriform products (CCleaner and Recuva). This results in a compact single EXE application, which can be copied to a thumbdrive and then used whenever you need it, without a complex installation process. The EXE itself is less than 1MB!
Vista Support
Defraggler supports all OSs released since Windows 2000, this includes Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. 64-bit support has also just been added! Additionally Defraggler supports both NTFS and FAT32 file systems.
Locates Files on the Drive
After analysis Defraggler lists all the fragmented files on the drive. Selecting one or many will highlight their location on the disk. Allowing you to visually see the location of files on the disk.
Why pay hundreds of dollars for a commercial defragmentation tool, when you can use Defraggler for free! This includes corporate use as well!
Download Defraggler
Get your copy of Defraggler here
Further Reading:
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should i stop using the decrapifier and use this instead?
You can use both of them together.
Decrapifier removes junk from your drive; defraggler puts everything in order (like organizing a closet by color, so it’s easier to find a “red top”.)
I use this program on a regular basis, I love it!
Mi nombre es Javier Polo Pérez y soy Ingeniero, y desde hace varios años me dedico a la Informática de Gestión. He desarrollado varias soluciones informáticas que en el Mundo Hispano han obtenido una buena acogida debido a sus prestaciones y fácil manejo, muchos ya las conocerán sus nombres son: Clinicas @Clinic @OdontoClinic @PsicoClinic @PodoClinic @FisioClinic Inmobiliarias InmoServer Facturacion ProServer @GesPYME Comunidades AdmiCom Veterinarias @VetGes Promocion GesProm Prevencion PrevGes Almacen @GeSTOCK Personal @GesRRHH Turismo @GesTUR
Me gustaría comentar que tras un año de pelea con Windows Vista intentando adaptar mis programas a dicho sistema operativo, lo cual he conseguido con mucho esfuerzo, finalmente he vuelto con mi Windosw XP, por tanto si lo que desean es un sistema operativo estable que no de ni un solo problema lo recomiendo.
Si desean ver mi trabajo y descargarse mis programas en forma gratuita pueden acceder a la web del Club ReM su dirección es o en
Un Saludo
Javier Polo
My drive seems SO much better now. I’ve never used anything like this before and my computer is over 4 years old