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Windows 7: Manage Portable Devices [How To]

Posted by Rich On January - 19 - 20092 COMMENTS

portable devices 00 Windows 7: Manage Portable Devices [How To]

Windows 7 comes with a new interface to manage your portable devices and printers. This is a great way to manage all the gadgets we seem to have these days and in this guide, you’ll get a sneak peak at the interface and learn some of the things you can do through it.

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protect folders 08 Block Drives, Folders, and Files from Other 7/Vista User Accounts [How To]You may not want other users of your computer having access to certain data on your machine. In this guide you’ll learn about permissions and how to apply them to drives, files, and folders in Windows 7 and Vista.

One of the readers of Windows Guides asked me how to protect an entire drive from access by other users, which is something you too may want to do. The procedure for this is very simple and very effective.

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performance index 00 Windows 7: Rate and Improve Your Computers Performance [How To]

Like Windows Vista, Windows Seven comes with a performance rating tool, which rates your system and then gives you tips on improving it. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Windows 7’s Performance Information Tools to rate your system.

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Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]

Posted by Rich On January - 18 - 200912 COMMENTS

install font 00 Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]

There are many free fonts available online; to install a new font (note: if you’re an XP user, scroll down to the XP Method Section):

  1. Download a font
    If the font file is in a .zip archive, right click the file and click Extract
  2. Right click on the font file and click Install

install font01 Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]

Install a New Font – Method 2

To install a font through the font manager, do the following:

  1. Download a font
    If the font file is in a .zip archive, right click the file and click Extract
  2. Click the Start button, type font, and click on Fonts
  3. Drag the font file into the Font manager

install font021 Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]

XP Method

For Windows XP users:

  1. Download a font
    If the font file is in a .zip archive, right click the file and click Extract
  2. Open C:\Windows\Fonts
  3. Drag the font file to the Fonts folder:
install font xp 01 Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]
install font xp 02 Install Custom Fonts in Windows [How To]

Enjoy your new fonts.

scroll wheel settings 00 Windows 7: Change Mouse Scroll Wheel Settings [How To]

Like in Windows Vista, you can configure the behavior of the mouse wheel in Windows 7. I use a mouse with a wheel most of the time and I frequently utilize the mouse wheel. If you too use the wheel, you may find benefit in configuring the behavior of it.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to configure mouse wheel behavior in Windows 7. This guide also applies to Windows Vista.

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Windows 7: Sharpen Screen Text Fonts [How To]

Posted by Rich On January - 17 - 2009ADD COMMENTS

sharpen text 00 Windows 7: Sharpen Screen Text Fonts [How To]

ClearType is a software technology developed by Microsoft. This technology improves text on LCD screens, which typically come with laptops, PDAs, and flat-panel monitors.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Windows 7’s ClearType Text Tuner, which will sharpen fonts and make writing look almost as good as it does on paper.

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