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Removing the shutdown options from the start menu may not be everyone’s cup of tea.  This registry hack may come in handy if you’re performing a large backup or downloading a big file and you share your computer with other family members/colleagues and don’t want them inadvertently turning off your computer half through the job.

This guide obviously involves editing the registry.  Please see here before modifying your registry.

I’ve written two reg. files you can download here if you don’t want to manually edit the registry.  See here on ways to add these files to the registry

For those of you who don’t mind getting stuck in, here we go.

Step 1.

Start by hitting the WinKey+R, typing in regedit and hit OK


Step 2.

Navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

Step 3.

With Explorer selected in the left-hand pane, right click in the right-hand pane and select New >DWORD.


Step 4.

Give the new DWORD a name of NoClose

Step 5.

Double click on NoClose and change the Hexadecimal Value to 1. Click OK.


Step 6.

Close regedit and reboot to see the changes.

21-09-2009 19-18-15

You can of course shutdown Windows without the start menu options by using the run command.  To revert the changes, replicate these steps but change the Hexadecimal Value in Step 5 to 0.

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9 thoughts on “Remove Shutdown Options From Windows 7 Start Menu”

  1. Samuelcornell says:

    Would it be possible for you to put the REG files available for download again? It keeps saying the files are no longer available. It would be a HUGE help. Thanks!

    1. RSVR85 says:

      Thank you for pointing this out Samuel. Updating the links now.

      1. Samuelcornell says:

        Is it also possible to remove the “Hibernate” and “Stand-By” Options as well?

        I am trying to setup the systems in my computer labs so that users can only logon/logoff, switch user, or restart.

        Thanks again for all your help! :)

  2. rthomas says:

    Right now it only works for the user that is currently logged on. I have machines within a lab that have new users logging on constantly and it does not seem to take on these new users/profiles.

    Is there any way to do this for the entire system/machine so all users that login only have the logoff feature?

    1. Rich says:

      Yes, instead of HKCU (current user), you can make the change on a machine level with HKLM (local machine.) i.e. HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer

      1. rthomas says:

        So if I edit the reg file it would look like this?


      2. Rich says:

        Yep. If you’re using AD, which I suspect you are, I suggest enforcing a policy as opposed to a manual registry key change on a machine-by-machine basis.

  3. guest says:

    i would like to remove only shutdown option from my computer not others…someonew please help

  4. Thobias says:

    It was a long time ago so whats the reason it doesnt work any more?

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