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technet Windows 7 Beta Download Kills Microsoft Servers

If you’re trying to download a copy of the Beta of Windows 7 today, you should probably hit the torrent trackers–looking for files named “Microsoft.Windows.7.Beta.1.Build.7000.x86.DVD-GENUiNE.iMAGE” for example.

Using the Technet servers will likely bring you to a screen like the one below:

Do you have your copy of Windows 7 yet?

technet2 Windows 7 Beta Download Kills Microsoft Servers

 Windows 7 Beta Download Kills Microsoft Servers

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • Hamid

    The torrent is good but you need to have a valid registration key and this is why the MS servers are so overwhelmingly bloated at the moment.

  • http://www.thelifedigital.com Hamid

    The torrent is good but you need to have a valid registration key and this is why the MS servers are so overwhelmingly bloated at the moment.

  • Rich

    Hamid, that’s a really good point. Without it, you only get 30 days.

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/tech/ Rich

    Hamid, that’s a really good point. Without it, you only get 30 days.

  • Angad

    Yes! And I hope I am one of the 2.5 Million who can get a copy before everything runs out!

  • Angad

    Yes! And I hope I am one of the 2.5 Million who can get a copy before everything runs out!

  • Brent

    You might be able to use this trick to extend the trial period to 120 days without a key.

    I downloaded my copy. It only took 45 minutes! Now I just need a key.

  • http://www.maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/ Brent

    You might be able to use this trick to extend the trial period to 120 days without a key.

    I downloaded my copy. It only took 45 minutes! Now I just need a key.

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