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We have all come to expect our computers to be sluggish or unresponsive at times, for no apparent reason. Sometimes it’s because Windows is set to load tons of unneccessary drivers at boot up, other times it’s an outdated driver or some applications you weren’t aware of was running. And sometimes it’s your expensive valid software that’s taking all your resources.

Unless you’re a real techie… looking at the Task Manager isn’t going to do you any good. so why not try something new ?

Try Soluto, the  “Anti-Frustration Software“…

I consider myself a techie, but I must admit I’ve more than once struggled to find out what is causing my computer to slow down to slooooooooooooooow motion at times. So when I discovered Soluto I was more than willing to give it a go. I can hear you – Pffft, yet another enhancement software. Well sort of, or…

New apporach

Soluto is a new way of thinking. The software is connected to an online community which will store your frustrating moments and offer solutions based on what others have done on their system. Don’t think it’s just another community thing, because Soluto also includes scanning technology that monitors your running applications and which drivers and resources they use. All you have to do is press the “I’m frustrated Button” and you activate the solution centre. Based on user’s experiences you can get feedback on what should work for you and what will definitively not.

What really makes Soluto stand out is that you can use it no matter your technical expertise. The solution is People Oriented, not vise versa.

Speeding up…

After I installed it Soluto asked me to reboot so it could measure how long time it took to reboot. After the reboot Soluto then searched through its community checking all the software and system drivers launched at boot time. Then came back with suggestions to which could be entirely could be removed or set to launch after boot up.

Boot took initially 2 minutes and 44 seconds. After some suggested tweaking through the Soluto interface I reduced boot up time with 55 seconds. Not bad for a start.


At the moment Soluto is based on your feedback or action. The developers behind Soluto is also working on an automated (anonymous) feature which I’m told is going to collect, analyze  and share its find with developers. Much the same as we at mintywhite let you tell developers what you think about their software. “By sheer exposure of this information, Soluto will help software vendors to start prioritizing the user by designing products with a smooth, frustration-free user experience in mind.”

Want to know more ?

Well, then, just surf on over here.

Or, simply download it, and give it a go !



About Thomas

Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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17 thoughts on “Soluto, the Anti-Frustration Software…”

  1. Pingback: It Box @ All Around the World News
  2. Richard Thomas says:

    I have downloaded and installed this software. After one boot, it gives a great interface with options to pause or delay startup items, services, etc. However, after the next reboot, try to get Saluto to give a report just shows an “Analyzing” screen; the report never appears.

    This has great potential, but not quite there yet.

  3. Harris says:

    good morning…my initial reaction after installing soluto was a big yes although i am not a fan of programs that will not let me install in the directory that i want. after running the program, i found that WMP sharing was running at startup and something from glary utilites pro was running. in the uncertain section it found my 3rd party firewall, win patrol, etc. and gave me options. so far the program looks great and as you said, looking at the task manager is a pain in the butt. what i did find odd, considering what the program does, is that soluto runs at startup every time and other than turning off the soluto service, which on my machine uses 23,976K to run, i could not stop it from booting up every time. the soluto.exe file also takes up 4492K of ram. perhaps in a future version there will be a way to have the option to have it run/not run at startup. i do like the program and whenever i am asked to repair friends computers this will be one of the first things i run…thanks for your time….harris

  4. RSVR85 says:

    Thank you for you thoughts Richard.
    I'm always pessimistic when it comes to these sorts of software so i'll wait for a few more responses to this before trying it out.

  5. Ken says:

    Just installed on Windows 7 computer and after re-boot unable to load so I had to do a system restore. Promptly uninstalled program.

  6. Thomas_mintywhite says:

    Hi Harris, that option should already exist.
    Right-Click on the Soluto Icon in the System tray and uncheck: “Liveboot Progress”. This should prevent it from running at boot time. You may also uncheck: “ungoing Frustratin Research”.

    Glad you found it useful.

  7. Ashwin Arumugam says:

    LOL, you know what's funny? After installing this on Vista, my computer crashed XD

  8. Pingback: Soluto: Anti-Frustration Software : Great Documents
  9. RSVR85 says:

    Doesn't work for me either. Installed it, rebooted. Soluto told me my time and then crashed. Rebooted again and then it hung and took down explorer with it. ***Uninstalled***

  10. Rich says:

    Looks like we'll have to re-visit this product at a later point. Thanks for your feedback RSVR85.

  11. RSVR85 says:

    Yeah I think so Rich. I tried it on our Laptop too and it hung but didn't crash. Either-way it seems this has stability issues (it's not just me either looking at the comments).
    It's a shame as it looks really nice and if it does what it says on the tin, should be a decent application.

  12. Roee Adler (Soluto) says:

    Thanks Thomas for the review and sorry everyone for the problems you encountered. Most of these were related to huge waves of traffic we were not well prepared to. I know it's no excuse, but we're just a small start-up company working very hard to resolve all the problems. Most of the problems you encountered should be resolved by now, and those that were'nt resolved yet will be resolved very soon. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at . Thanks for you patience :)

  13. Rich says:


    Thanks for taking time to address and explain user-based issues. We'd be happy to work along side you with product improvement, feedback, and promotion.

    Please contact me (http://www.mintywhite.com/contact/) and I'll be happy to help.

  14. JustinzHereNow says:

    No way… this program is weird. My windows xp on my macbook takes 10 seconds to load to desktop but this program says its 55 seconds. and it says AVG internet security takes 34 seconds to load. Weird. Once im on my desktop, i can surf the web.

  15. Jan says:

    This weird software brought Blue Death to my PC.DON’T USE IT!

  16. Sy says:

    Downloaded and installed Soluto on my Windows Vista Home Premium PC about nine months ago. Have not faced any problems. It does what it suppose to do so I don’t have anything to recommend for improving. Nice to have the information about startup items upon booting or rebooting.

  17. David Paige says:

    Installed saluto on Vista Home Premium. It does time my startup but submits no additional intormation or suggestions for faster boot. (3minutes 45 seconds) When clicking more information, the icon appears with “loading” but then nothing happens. Can you suggest a remedy.

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