Web Analytics

In this guide, you will learn how to set up a false proxy configuration so that any application that relies on the Microsoft Proxy (IE, Firefox, Opera, Office, Outlook) will not be able to access the Internet. This has obvious advantages and can be set for the whole system or all non administrator accounts.

Alternatively, you can unplug the internet cable/disconnect the router… but you didn’t need me to tell you that did you?

This guide is included as part of the Windows Guides security and administration series. Please visit the main page if you would like to learn why this guide may be useful.

Please Note: This guide involves working with the Windows Registry. If this is your first time editing the registry, please read this guide to get you started.

Setting up a False Proxy Server

  • Start Registry Editor (Start > Run > “regedit”)
  • In the left panel, navigate to
  • Disable Current User: In the left panel, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  • Disable All Users: In the left panel, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  • If one doesn’t already exist, create a new DWORD value named ProxyEnable
  • Set the value to 1 to disable the internet
  • Set the value to 0 to re-enable the internet
  • If one doesn’t already exist, create a new DWORD value named ProxyServer
  • Set the value to an unavailable IP number e.g.
  • Set the value to the original value to re-enable the internet (or delete the key if it didn’t exist before)

Protecting the Proxy Server Configuration

I managed to still get on the internet, so do the following to stop users making changes to the internet configuration

  • Start Registry Editor (Start > Run > “regedit”)
  • In the left panel, navigate to
  • Disable Current User: In the left panel, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel
  • Disable All Users: In the left panel, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel
  • Create a new DWORD value named Connwiz Admin Lock
  • Create a new DWORD value named Connection Settings
  • Set both values to 1 to disable the connection settings
  • Set both values to 0 to re-enable the connection settings

In order for this to take effect, you may need to restart your system.

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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14 thoughts on “Disable Internet Access in Windows Vista/XP”

  1. Windows Guides Security and Ad says:

    […] Disable Internet Access […]

  2. Allen Kirk says:

    I think I’ll just unplug the cable but thanks

  3. Allen Kirk says:

    I think I’ll just unplug the cable but thanks

  4. Allen Kirk says:

    I think I’ll just unplug the cable but thanks

  5. George Harrington says:

    Now I can limit the time my kids use the internet and they can’t do anything about it (as long as they don’t find your site too)

  6. George Harrington says:

    Now I can limit the time my kids use the internet and they can’t do anything about it (as long as they don’t find your site too)

  7. George Harrington says:

    Now I can limit the time my kids use the internet and they can’t do anything about it (as long as they don’t find your site too)

  8. User links about "windowsxp" o says:

    […] 1 votesTop 40 Threads in microsoft.public.windowsxp.general>> saved by frankde9 21 days ago5 votesDisable Internet Access in Windows Vista/XP>> saved by marcoil 34 days ago6 votesUseful info about Windows XP>> saved by jimic 58 days ago4 […]

  9. Pingback: User links about "windowsxp" on iLinkShare
  10. Lovs2look says:

    What an excellent tip! I have been looking for a free solution to this for ages. I have been using Ratings previously (Google No Access Rating for more info) with limited success, but this lloks great. I’ll try it out today!

  11. Lovs2look says:

    What an excellent tip! I have been looking for a free solution to this for ages. I have been using Ratings previously (Google No Access Rating for more info) with limited success, but this lloks great. I’ll try it out today!

  12. Lovs2look says:

    What an excellent tip! I have been looking for a free solution to this for ages. I have been using Ratings previously (Google No Access Rating for more info) with limited success, but this lloks great. I’ll try it out today!

  13. Windows Guides Security and Ad says:

    […] Disable Internet Access […]

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