You already know where to get the best wallpapers and icons, I’m sure. Now it’s time to bring you a collection of free screen savers. It’s so many creative people out there creating cool screen-savers for free, so why settle for those, trial-screen-savers, with limitations or nag screens ?
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Here, I bring my first collection of totally free screen-savers. Enjoy.
Security Essentials Screen saver
How about having your computer scanned when you’re not using it a anyway ?
With this screen saver you can, if you use Security Essentials that is…
Apophysis Screensaver 2
If You are into fractals, and psychedelic patterns, then this should be right up your alley.
- Link to Developer
- Download
3D clock +screensaver
A screen saver for the true Time Traveler. Well it only travels in one direction, but still…
- More Info
- Download Standard
- Download Black on White
Kaleidoscope Screensaver
- More Info on Author
- Download
Focus Screen Saver
This screen saver blurs out your screen. You can set blur level and choose to use grey-scale mode.
Easy install and setup. Reported to work on all windows systems. Required .NET 3.5
Moving M6 Aurora Screensaver
This is a real WPF screen saver with many options/colors. Works on all Windows. Requires at least .Net 3.0
Unpack to Screen saver directory.
Blue Screen of Death
Now this is a screen saver, by which you can have a lot of fun. Install it on a friends computer, and let the fun commence.
Only way to shut it off, is to press ESC
Rotating CIA Screen Saver
Big fan of those spy movies ?
Then you gotta have this one.
More will follow
Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...
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