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I am often asked why XP keeps asking them for user name and password to log onto their home computer. The idea is that it increases security and keeps others from being able to boot up your system and use it without your permission. However if you live alone or with people you trust with your computer, you might want to disable it for faster access. Here’s what you have to do:

Tell Windows XP to automatically log in

1. First, in the Start menu, click Run.
2. In the Run box, type: control userpasswords2
3. In the User Accounts dialog box that appears, click the “Users” tab.
4. Uncheck the box that says “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
5. This removes the password requirement and you can reboot and be automatically logged on.

About Thomas

Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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