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While it may be relatively easy to crack a Windows account password, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use one. If your PC is mobile, you have even more reason to use this basic level of protection. This guide will show you how to set a Windows password or change your current password.

Set a Windows Password

To set a password for your account:

1. Click the Start button and click Control Panel

2. On the Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety 

3. Click Change your Windows password

4. Click Create a password for your account

5. Type in your password twice and a hint (optional.) Click Create Password

Your password is now required each time you unlock or log in to your account.

Change Your Windows Account Password

By changing your password regularly, you decrease the chance of someone finding out your password and getting in to your account (and posting silly pictures of you on your Facebook account.) To change your Windows account password:

1. Click the Start button and click Control Panel

2. On the Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety 

3. Click Change your Windows password

4. Click Change your password

5. Fill in the blanks with your old password, your new password twice (so you don’t make a typo and lock yourself out), and a hint (optional). Click Change password

Add/Change a Different Account Password

If you’re using an administrator account, you can also manage other accounts and set or change passwords without logging into the other account. To change another account on your PC:

1. Click the Start button and click Control Panel

2. On the Control Panel, click User Accounts and Family Safety 

3. Click Change your Windows password

4. Click Manage another account

5. Click the account you want to manage:

6. Either click Create a password or Change the password

7. Fill in the blanks with the account’s old password (if changing), your new password twice, and a hint (optional). Click Change password/Create password

Bonus Tip

Stepping away from your PC for a moment? Use the shortcut Windows Key + L to lock your PC before you do. You probably have a great deal personal information on your PC (not to mention active email, social networking, and even bank sessions in your browser.)

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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3 thoughts on “Set or Change Your Windows Account Password [Quick Tip]”

  1. RobertSeattle says:

    Isn’t it a whole lot easier to Control-Alt-Del and then select Change a Password?  Or is that not available in the home edition of Win 7?

    1. Rich says:

      Robert, yes that looks easier. I believe that option is available in all versions (haven’t checked); this would work well for changing the password for the account your currently using. Thanks for sharing!

      1. RobertSeattle says:

        I had a guy who worked in IT for 20+ year and he came into my office and he was embarrased how he had forgotten how to change his own Windows password.  I think I had a similar experience way back and I decided to bury the Control-Alt-Del trick to memory.

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