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Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

By on September 20, 2008 (70 Comments)

th th windows 7 m3 screenshot06 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots
Another collection of screenshots of Windows 7. See the first collection here.

If you know the original source of these screenshots, please let me know, as I am having a hard time tracking it down.

Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot01 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot02 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot03 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot04 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot05 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot06 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot07 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot08 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot09 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot10 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot11 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot12 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot13 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot14 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot15 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot16 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot17 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot18 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot19 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

th windows 7 m3 screenshot20 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot21 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot22 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot23 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot24 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot25 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot26 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot27 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot28 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot29 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot30 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot31 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

windows 7 m3 screenshot32 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

 Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • God OF mana

    Awsome…. he he he

  • http://www.attish.ymfa.com/ God OF mana

    Awsome…. he he he

  • http://www.attish.ymfa.com God OF mana

    Awsome…. he he he

  • Good_Bytes

    Cool stuff.
    However, here are things I don’t like:
    – Ribbon bar is not identical to Office 2007, if you look closely that is.
    – Where is the orb button like in Office 2007? Why is it blue rectangle that glows like if it wants your attention.
    – Calculator borders are too think
    – They should keep Start menu background from Vista, this current look, looks amateurish.
    – On personalization window pictured above, the left side column looks more Longhorn than Windows 7, in my opinion.

    The rest is perfect, in my opinion!

    Now I KNOW it’s still in development, and I KNOW it could change at 100%. PLEASE don’t take this as a complaint, just expressing my opinion that is all.

  • Good_Bytes

    Cool stuff.
    However, here are things I don’t like:
    – Ribbon bar is not identical to Office 2007, if you look closely that is.
    – Where is the orb button like in Office 2007? Why is it blue rectangle that glows like if it wants your attention.
    – Calculator borders are too think
    – They should keep Start menu background from Vista, this current look, looks amateurish.
    – On personalization window pictured above, the left side column looks more Longhorn than Windows 7, in my opinion.

    The rest is perfect, in my opinion!

    Now I KNOW it’s still in development, and I KNOW it could change at 100%. PLEASE don’t take this as a complaint, just expressing my opinion that is all.

  • Good_Bytes

    Cool stuff.
    However, here are things I don’t like:
    – Ribbon bar is not identical to Office 2007, if you look closely that is.
    – Where is the orb button like in Office 2007? Why is it blue rectangle that glows like if it wants your attention.
    – Calculator borders are too think
    – They should keep Start menu background from Vista, this current look, looks amateurish.
    – On personalization window pictured above, the left side column looks more Longhorn than Windows 7, in my opinion.

    The rest is perfect, in my opinion!

    Now I KNOW it’s still in development, and I KNOW it could change at 100%. PLEASE don’t take this as a complaint, just expressing my opinion that is all.

  • Sandeep

    So InternetExpolorer still can’t display a webpage? :P

    Looks good, but I’ll expect ridiculous minimum system requirements

  • http://sandeep.co.in/ Sandeep

    So InternetExpolorer still can’t display a webpage? :P

    Looks good, but I’ll expect ridiculous minimum system requirements

  • Sandeep

    So InternetExpolorer still can’t display a webpage? :P

    Looks good, but I’ll expect ridiculous minimum system requirements

  • Rich

    Good_bytes, I agree with most of your feedback. Lets hope Microsoft listen to what the people want. I know that’s hard to do and the people want a lot of things, but there are some things they could definitely take on board.

    Sandeep… I agree… they could have at least shown IE8 on the Microsoft homepage or something?

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/ Rich

    Good_bytes, I agree with most of your feedback. Lets hope Microsoft listen to what the people want. I know that’s hard to do and the people want a lot of things, but there are some things they could definitely take on board.

    Sandeep… I agree… they could have at least shown IE8 on the Microsoft homepage or something?

  • http://www.mintywhite.com Rich

    Good_bytes, I agree with most of your feedback. Lets hope Microsoft listen to what the people want. I know that’s hard to do and the people want a lot of things, but there are some things they could definitely take on board.

    Sandeep… I agree… they could have at least shown IE8 on the Microsoft homepage or something?

  • Good_Bytes

    Ah, it would seams that the screen shots comes from 2 different accounts/computer where the OS configuration is different. Notice on how some boarders are thin (like Vista) and some are thick. For example: Look at the boarder of IE on the first shot and the second one.

  • Good_Bytes

    Ah, it would seams that the screen shots comes from 2 different accounts/computer where the OS configuration is different. Notice on how some boarders are thin (like Vista) and some are thick. For example: Look at the boarder of IE on the first shot and the second one.

  • Good_Bytes

    Ah, it would seams that the screen shots comes from 2 different accounts/computer where the OS configuration is different. Notice on how some boarders are thin (like Vista) and some are thick. For example: Look at the boarder of IE on the first shot and the second one.

  • James

    This is a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s windows vista but just edited!
    this is the page were the images come from http://www.thinknext.net/archives/2268

  • James

    This is a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s windows vista but just edited!
    this is the page were the images come from http://www.thinknext.net/archives/2268

  • James

    This is a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s windows vista but just edited!
    this is the page were the images come from http://www.thinknext.net/archives/2268

  • Another Round of Leaked Window

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  • Pingback: Another Round of Leaked Windows 7 M3 Screenshots

  • Me

    Come on Rich where did you get those picture? I cant believe that windows 7 will be copy of Vista!!!

  • Me

    Come on Rich where did you get those picture? I cant believe that windows 7 will be copy of Vista!!!

  • Me

    Come on Rich where did you get those picture? I cant believe that windows 7 will be copy of Vista!!!

  • Rich

    I found them on a website that did what I am doing — not giving credit to the original source.

    I’ve taken a few suggestions, but can’t seem to find the person who created the screenshots.

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/ Rich

    I found them on a website that did what I am doing — not giving credit to the original source.

    I’ve taken a few suggestions, but can’t seem to find the person who created the screenshots.

  • http://www.mintywhite.com Rich

    I found them on a website that did what I am doing — not giving credit to the original source.

    I’ve taken a few suggestions, but can’t seem to find the person who created the screenshots.

  • Me

    Rich is it true that Windows 7 will be copy of Vista?

  • Me

    Rich is it true that Windows 7 will be copy of Vista?

  • Me

    Rich is it true that Windows 7 will be copy of Vista?

  • Rich

    This is just the user interface that they are using for the milestone releases. They may well completely change the design.

    If I was Microsoft’s design deparment, I wouldn’t change the design much at all. Yes, Vista does have a bad stigma, but we’re finally getting used to it, so why confuse us again?

    I remember when Office 2007 came out, and people would moan about the ribbon menu system. Now people moan when they have to use 2003 because “it’s so hard to find what you want.”

    I am sure Windows 7 will be vastly better than Vista.

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/ Rich

    This is just the user interface that they are using for the milestone releases. They may well completely change the design.

    If I was Microsoft’s design deparment, I wouldn’t change the design much at all. Yes, Vista does have a bad stigma, but we’re finally getting used to it, so why confuse us again?

    I remember when Office 2007 came out, and people would moan about the ribbon menu system. Now people moan when they have to use 2003 because “it’s so hard to find what you want.”

    I am sure Windows 7 will be vastly better than Vista.

  • http://www.mintywhite.com Rich

    This is just the user interface that they are using for the milestone releases. They may well completely change the design.

    If I was Microsoft’s design deparment, I wouldn’t change the design much at all. Yes, Vista does have a bad stigma, but we’re finally getting used to it, so why confuse us again?

    I remember when Office 2007 came out, and people would moan about the ribbon menu system. Now people moan when they have to use 2003 because “it’s so hard to find what you want.”

    I am sure Windows 7 will be vastly better than Vista.

  • Me

    You didn’t understand me. I like Vista a lot but i hope that Win 7 will be much, much better look than Vista!!

  • Me

    You didn’t understand me. I like Vista a lot but i hope that Win 7 will be much, much better look than Vista!!

  • Me

    You didn’t understand me. I like Vista a lot but i hope that Win 7 will be much, much better look than Vista!!

  • Me

    Tell me please if you know, when will be Win 7 released?

  • Me

    Tell me please if you know, when will be Win 7 released?

  • Me

    Tell me please if you know, when will be Win 7 released?

  • Rich

    It’s scheduled for early 2010 and I hope it takes that long. Rumor suggests it may be 3Q ’09, but I’d rather wait and have a better operating system.

    We’ll know nearer the time when computers are sold with “Windows (insert real name here) Capable”

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/ Rich

    It’s scheduled for early 2010 and I hope it takes that long. Rumor suggests it may be 3Q ’09, but I’d rather wait and have a better operating system.

    We’ll know nearer the time when computers are sold with “Windows (insert real name here) Capable”

  • http://www.mintywhite.com Rich

    It’s scheduled for early 2010 and I hope it takes that long. Rumor suggests it may be 3Q ’09, but I’d rather wait and have a better operating system.

    We’ll know nearer the time when computers are sold with “Windows (insert real name here) Capable”

  • Me

    Ok thanks and i will in the future ( sorry )!!!

  • Me

    Ok thanks and i will in the future ( sorry )!!!

  • Me

    Ok thanks and i will in the future ( sorry )!!!

  • Rich

    You’re very welcome :)

  • http://www.mintywhite.com/ Rich

    You’re very welcome :)

  • Me

    Rich what about Sp2 for Vista? Where is it?

  • Me

    Rich what about Sp2 for Vista? Where is it?

  • Me

    Rich what about Sp2 for Vista? Where is it?

  • Rich

    Good question… I wish I had an answer. Judging by the XP SP1/2 cycle… I’d say around another year, which puts us in July-Oct ’09

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