Windows Guides reader, TheManRetired, offers two guides to help users who are new to Windows. The first guide covers installation of Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Free. This second guide covers setting up your first backup to CD or DVD. If you’d like to provide help (simple, advanced etc., let me know.)
Hopefully you have the program installed but if you don’t I have written up an installation document that shows how to install it and where to get the program with a link to site that I know has it, so here we are going to start using the program. The screen shot here are made using the FastStone Capture program. With Burning Studio you can backup just about anything that is on your hard drive but I suggest only backing up what you have created as you can never get all the files and registry setting for programs and it is safer and better to reinstall the programs anyway so they set right and work and you don’t have to try and find out why they are not working like before. Here I am backing some music files that I ripped from my cd’s but the principles apply to all your files, you will just have to change the location of where you get the files to places on your hard drive and sorry this document will not go into all the places on your hard drive that the files are, most of them on a windows system will be in my documents(or just documents depending on your version) and most of them are located under your user account in either Documents and Settings or under Users depending on your version of windows, I am not going into any Linux or Mac systems as I don’t have them but if you want to give me one I would be happy to write up a document like this for those systems.
When you start the program you will get a screen like this:
The first place we are going it the Burn Files and Folders, hold your mouse over this and a second menu comes out like this one:
Here we want to left click (on all these instructions it will always be a left click unless otherwise stated) on Create a New CD/DVD disc:
Here is where we are going to pick the files that we want to backup, name the cd/dvd that we are going to be putting the files onto, you can name the cd just about anything you want but it has to be less than 16 characters and don’t put in spaces as a lot of systems will not allow that, but if yours does good. To name the cd on top of the original file there is a place to write the name where it states Title and has the My Files already written in, just click on that location and My Files will be highlighted in blue, just start typing what name you want to give your cd, if you have a lot cd to make you might want to attach a number to the end so you know which number of disc you have later if you want to restore them and you can also keep track of the cd’s easier. When you have the name in place click on Add button, if you want to place certain files into a different folder on the cd you can click on New Folder and it will place a folder on the cd for you and you can name that folder what you want and then place files into it, to place files into a folder on the cd after you have added a new folder double click on the folder and it will go into that folder just like in explorer on your hard drive and the name of that folder will then be on the left side of screen above the name of any files or other folders that we will be adding here, when you are ready click on the Add Button and the following screen will appear:
This already has some folders selected but to get to the files or folders that you want to backup you have to go to location of them on hard drive using either the computer, network, or if you are on a windows 7 system use the libraries where all the documents are located, if you click on computer it will show all the drives that are currently attached to your computer including any USB drives that are attached also and you can pick files and folders from them also, it does not matter where you get them as long as you can select them from here, to select more than one file or folder, click on the first one that you want and if they are all in a row go to the bottom of the list that you want backed up and then press and hold the shift key and then use the mouse and click on the last one and everything between the two should all be highlighted like in this screen, but if they are not all in a row you are going to have to select each individual file by clicking on the first one and then when you get the second one you have to press and hold the ctrl button and then click on the second and all the rest that you want to select. When you have all that you want to backup from this location click on the add button and it will take you back to this screen where it will list all files and folders that are selected to be put on the cd/dvd, if you have decided to put some files in one folder on the cd and other files in a different folder on the cd when you are at the following screen and have all the files you want in this folder and need to go back click on yellow up icon to go back to root of the cd/dvd to either add more folders or click on a different folder to put files into that location on the cd/dvd. When you have all the files and folders marked to be put on cd and listed here make sure you look at the bottom and see how big it is as you can only put so much on a cd and it will not let you try and put more files than the size of the cd, you can use a dvd, dvd-dl(double layer) if your cd/dvd is made that way but if it is not you cannot use a dvd in a cd only writer.
If you put to many files listed and they do not fit onto a cd or dvd that you have the only option is to remove some until you have less than max amount, to remove them just click on the folder or file listed here and click on the remove button on right side, you will have to do that until the amount listed will fit onto the cd/dvd. Below the listing it tells you how many mb is there so far and there is a bar showing, if there is any red on the bar you have to many files to fit so your only option is to remove some.
When you have it ready to write the files and folders click on next and you get this screen:
If you don’t have a cd/dvd in drive put one in now, you can use the open tray to open it if want or do it manually by pressing the button on the cd/dvd, if you happen to have more than one install in your machine make sure what one is listed next to open tray is the one you want to use or click on the down arrow and select the one you want to use but make sure it can write cd/DVDs’ as that is all that will be listed here, when you have one installed then you will get this screen:
Notice how it states the inserted cd-r is ok, now you can click on the change options button and set the options for this and all the next options the way you want them to be with this screen:
This is how the screen comes up the first time but after you have set the options the way you want them they will stay that way until you go in and change them again, I always set mine with finalize the cd and burn cd in disc at once mode like this screen:
If you want to know the difference between disc-at-once and track-at-once go to this site and it gives a real good explanation, go here. when you have the setting right click on ok and you will be back at this screen:
Here notice how the changes you made on the last screen show up here, not click on the write cd button on the bottom right and you will get this screen:
You can leave it like this or click on the show details and you will get this screen:
It does not matter which screen you use as there is no settings or anything to do now but sit back and let the program do it work. Depending on how fast your computer is and how much data you are backing up and onto what type of cd/dvd it could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes to complete, just let it do it work and it will give you an estimated completion time on the right hand side of the progress bar. When it is done it will eject the tray and you will get this screen:
Click on ok button and it takes you to this following screen, but if it came up with any errors at all it will tell you and offer to safe settings so it can try again later, on this following screen if you have more cd/dvd to backup click on the back to the main menu and start the process all over again until everything you want backed up is then you can click on exit and go about your business. Be sure to put all your backups in a safe place, a good idea is to make one set of backups to keep close by in case something gets deleted by accident and the other set keep off side like a friend’s house or in a safety deposit box, it really is your choice but the point of backups is to keep your files in case something happens to destroy the one’s you have on your computer or your hard drive decides to quit for good.
About Rich
Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.
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