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easy transfer01 How to Transfer Your Files and Settings to a New PCWindows easy transfer is designed to help you get your settings from your old PC to your shiny, new PC. in this guide I’ll show you how to get your old PC setup for transfer, via  a USB drive/external hard drive, and then show you how to transfer the files to your new PC.

Set up Your old PC for Transfer

To set up the old PC with a transfer, you will need to go to your new PC and do the following:

1. Click the Start button, type transfer and click Windows Easy Transfer.

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2. Click An external hard disk or USB flash drive.

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3. Indicate this is your new computer.

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4. You will likely need to install Windows Easy Transfer on your old computer so click I need to install it now (even if it’s already installed, this does no harm and ensures compatibility.)

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5. You can transfer the installation settings via External hard disk, shared network folder, or USB drive. Click External hard disk or shared network folder if you have an external hard drive or USB flash drive if you have one of these to use.

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6. Save Easy Transfer to your hard disk/network drive/USB drive.

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7. Wait while Easy Transfer is copied.

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8. Follow these instructions to install Easy Transfer on your old computer.

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Transfer Your Files

9. Go to your old PC and, after following the instructions above, click Next on the Easy Transfer screen.

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10. Select the method you indicated on your new PC (likely An external disk or USB flash drive.)

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11. Indicate you are using the old computer.

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12. Note the transfer key and go to your new computer.

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13. Type the key on your new PC and click Next.

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14. Easy transfer will make sure the transfer can complete without errors.

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Easy Transfer will scan and find what can be transferred.

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16. Pick what files and settings you’d like to transfer.

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17. Clicking advanced options lets you customize exactly what should be transferred.

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18. Transfer begins from your old computer (please don’t use it while the files transfer as you don’t want to change program settings and files that are already transfered — you’ll lose your changes on your new PC.)

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19. After transfer is completed, click See what was transferred to make sure everything moved over. You can also come back and see what suggestions Windows gives for programs that need to be installed on your new PC. i.e. if you transferred .DOCX and .XLSX files over, Windows Easy Transfer will suggest installation of Microsoft Office so these files can be opened.

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You can see what transferred.

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See what programs you need to install on your new PC.

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You will be notified that transfer is completed and you can start installing programs on your new PC (if you haven’t already done so.)

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 How to Transfer Your Files and Settings to a New PC

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.

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  • srcfyd

    Wondering… Is this Windows 7 specific ? I am on the Windows XP Platform, so i don’t know if this is applicable to Vista or Windows 7.


  • srcfyd

    Wondering… Is this Windows 7 specific ? I am on the Windows XP Platform, so i don’t know if this is applicable to Vista or Windows 7.


  • Rich

    Hi srcfyd, if you run Windows Easy Transfer on your Windows 7 machine and use the option of a USB drive to transfer the data, when you put the USB drive in your old XP computer, it will run seamlessly :)

  • Rich

    Hi srcfyd, if you run Windows Easy Transfer on your Windows 7 machine and use the option of a USB drive to transfer the data, when you put the USB drive in your old XP computer, it will run seamlessly :)

  • georgilu

    Hi Rich, can you tell me where in the new computer are the new files located? I did the transfer and I can see all the files and programs, but I cannot locate them….thanks

    • http://richr.org/ Rich

      What files did you copy? That will help us tell you where they may have ended up.

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