Having a Sing-A-Long party in the near future are you ? Or simply like to check out the lyrics of your favorite songs ? No matter your reason, here is one way to get the Lyrics your way.
All you need is a Lyrics Plug-In.
Doing a bit of research around the net reveals a few solutions, but the one tool that get the most hint comes from a rather anonymous developer over at lyricsplugin.com. There are TWO plugins designed for Windows Media Player and WinAmp.
The Plugin requires internet connection and will automatically retrieve lyrics for the song playing. In my experience (and those I’ve asked) the plugin are able to find close to 99% of any song you play.
All you have to do is download and install it.
Displaying Lyrics in MediaPlayer
- After installation the plugin is automatically activated.
To toggle Lyrics On and Off, click on Tools, Plugins, Lyrics Plugin
(If you don’t see the menu, click the ALT-button and release it, the menu should appear). - Start playing music
- Switch to “Now Playing” mode (in WMP 12 it’s the little square icon in the lower right corner)
Displaying Lyrics in WinAmp
- After installation the plugin is automatically activated.
To Toggle Lyrics On and Off, click ALT + Y or toggle from the VIEW menu. - Start Playing Music
- The Lyrics should appear in a separate window
(sometimes hidden behind the WinAmp interface).
If you don’t see it, try Toggle it on/off.
Download Lyrics Plugin
For WinAmp |
For Media Player |
About Thomas
Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...
I tried the Windows Media player ver.03 below that i posted but it’s actually the same file as the one above. This is the correct link for ver0.3.
Not sure about the winamp one as i don’t have winamp to test it.
I tested both plugins before making the post.
So I can assure you, it works :-)