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Restoration Recovers Deleted a Lost Files [Portable]

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Losing files can be a real pain and sometimes files are irreplaceable. If you have deleted files from your computer and emptied them out the recycle bin, there is still hope. Previously, I’ve covered a program called Recuva, which scans your hard drive for deleted files and attempts to restore them. I have had great success with Recuva, but it is not always found the files I’m looking for. It doesn’t hurt to try different programs and different approaches so I tried a program called Restoration.

Recover Your Lost Files

Restoration is a simple tool used to undelete files that were either removed from the recycle bin or deleted directly from your hard drive or flash drive. You can search your drive for all deleted files or define the search with the file type or file name. The great thing about Restoration is that it is not need installation and works on most file systems and removable media.

If you have lost files recently, I highly recommend this program. Note: the longer you take to attempt to recover files, the less chance you have of finding them. When you delete a file, you do not remove it from the hard drive, you merely removed the reference to it. When you first delete the file, it is untouched. But if you download or create new files that are stored in its place, then you have next to no chance of recovering the file. I recommend downloading restoration and saving it to a removable thumb drive so that in the event of data loss, you have this handy tool ready to help you.

How Does Restoration Work?

Restoration scans your drive for deleted files and shows them to you, so you can restore them immediately.

Just type in your search criteria (like in the screenshot below):

Restoration 2

Restoration will scan your drive:

Restoration 1

Select a file and restore it:

Restoration 3

Download Restoration

Download Restoration

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Restoration recover deletetd files http://bit.ly/GDFgD

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