Five businesses are fighting it out to win an IT makeover worth a recession-busting £10,000.
The finalists of the Microsoft small business competition have each been given a top of the range laptop to try and solve their biggest IT challenges.
Over the course of the next 7 days the businesses will be putting Windows Vista through its paces and seeing whether it can boost their productivity, mobility and security. Competition is fierce, and even the most ardent Windows XP users are putting the prejudices behind them.
The businesses taking part in the challenge range from a web design agency, high end furniture designer and a homeless charity. Therefore the features on test will vary massively, and anyone could walk away with the prize which includes laptops and IT infrastructure.
While some businesses are looking to improve mobility, others are simply trying to drive efficiency in their business.
Find out how the winners are using Windows Vista to improve their business- and how you can do the same- by going to
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