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Ad-Hoc VS Hotspot, and what is Tethering anyway ?

Posted by Thomas On September - 2 - 2011

Ad-Hoc, Hotspot, Tethering, three words you keep seeing. Three expressions everyone but you seem to know what is. In one of my more popular articles here on mintywhite we deal with setting up your Windows 7 computer as a Wi-Fi Hotspot. In the comments, one of our readers (who probably felt a bit awkward) asked if a HotSpot is the same thing as an Ad-Hoc. Hmm… Let’s explore this topic. After you read this, you might want to tell me to change the name of the before mentioned article to: “Set Windows 7 as WiFi Ad-Hoc” but I’ll explain a bit further down, why I chose the word HotSpot. Read the rest of this entry »

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