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Automatically Watch Next Episode in Netflix Using autoFlix

Posted by Sudesh On June - 23 - 2012

Netflix is an on-demand media streaming service accessible in the US, UK, Canada and many other countries. It is a subscription based service and is available on major platforms like Windows, Linux, Mac, iPhone, Android and more. In general, any device that can access the internet using a web browser can access the Netflix service. Almost all the movies and TV serials are available on Netflix and you can enjoy them from the comfort of your home. My personal favorite serial on Netflix is the Supernatural series. I can watch one episode after another of Supernatural on Netflix for hours. The only trouble being that I have to get up and click on the Next Episode link to start playing the next episode in the series. Now you can use autoFlix software to automatically switch to the next episode in the series, as soon as the current episode ends.

autoFlix is a tiny tool developed by the BlueShirt software development. It is an open source script designed using AutoHotKey. You can download the source code and try running it through AutoHotKey, but if you do not want to bother with AutoHotKey, then you can just purchase the ready-to-run software from the BlueShirt software website at a small cost. autoFlix is available both for Windows and Mac operating systems.

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