I previously showed you how to block ads when browsing; however, InPrivate browsing in IE8 takes some time to learn which content needs blocking. Windows Forums moderator rsvr85 has written a guide, which shows you how to update InPrivate’s block list with AdBlock’s list, which will cut out ~80% of ads instantly.
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Block Ads in Internet Explorer 8 IE8 [How To]
Common DLL Errors And How To Resolve Them
In this guest post, James Ricketts explores DLL errors and how to resolve them. Learn more about James at the conclusion of this post.
DLL or Dynamic Link Library is a term that is referred to a particular type of file that can be shared by different programs whenever they need to perform certain general tasks. DLL files eliminate the need for having separate files for the same tasks that are required by applications. This not only reduces the space required by the hard drive, but it also makes the applications more efficient.
IE Collection Puts All Versions of IE on Your PC
As a web developer, it is important for me to test my websites in different browsers. As much as I don’t like to support older browsers, many people use them, and I need to ensure that compatibility is at its highest. If you are a web developer, or if you recently upgraded to IE8, you may notice that you cannot have multiple versions of IE on your computer at the same time. A solution to this problem is to use IE Collection. This program installs all of the main builds of IE 8 on your PC.
Persistent Acquiring Network Address Notification XP
These days, when I have a problem with my computer, I immediately take screenshots of the solution just in case I want to put the guide on this website. For months, my XP desktop would show that is “Acquiring Network Address” continuously on the network icon; however, the Internet connection was perfectly fine. If you have an active Internet connection but they always shows “Acquiring Network Address”, this guide is for you.
Best Windows Freebies and Guides 16 [July 2009]
Every month we take a look around some of the most interesting windows-related web sites. We collect the best free stuff and write tips to help you get more out of Windows. Below you’ll find wallpapers, icon packs, fonts, screensavers, and freeware we’ve found over the last 31 days. We’ve also put together our most popular windows guides.
Enjoy the overview of stuff you shouldn’t have missed in July 2009
Troubleshooting EXE Errors Related To Symantec
In this guest post, James Ricketts explores EXE errors related to Symantec. Learn more about James at the conclusion of this post.
It is very likely that most computer users have experienced EXE errors or errors related to the executable files at one time or another. EXE errors are one of the most common categories of application errors that your computer is likely to encounter. This is simply because there are hundreds of applications on your PC and each one of them comprises several EXE files. When you consider the number of EXE files residing on a computer, it is easy to understand the likelihood of something going wrong with one or more of them.
EXE errors can crop up while working on any computer application and applications from Symantec suite are no exception. Symantec is a popular software manufacturer of Internet and PC security products. Symantec products help make our PC less vulnerable to bugs and errors. At the same time, like any other application, it too uses EXE files and some of them may develop problems.