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Every holiday I receive several requests from dedicated software developers to promote their giveaway. And this season is no different. Each time I go through them all and pick the ones I believe you, our loyal follower would love to get. This time around I thought I would collect them all in one place.

This article will be updated regularly, so make sure you bookmark it! Read the rest of this entry »

25 Free Apps You Should Definitely Try

Posted by Stu On December - 15 - 2012

While cleaning up old posts, I found this one, written by Stu some time ago. I’ve updated all the download links, added a few links to related articles, and thought I’d share his list with you. Rich.

When I recently posted an article which shows how to Install Windows 7 without bootable media, I obviously went through the Windows 7 installation process several times.  In then end, when everything went correctly, I had 2 brand-new Windows 7 operating systems to work with.  After installing updates, what else do you do?  Install some cool freeware!

Here’s a list of my favourite 25 freeware applications.  There are paid-for alternatives of some of my favourites but the free versions do a sterling job.  So in no particular order:

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Which Windows 7 Version do You Really Need?

Posted by Thomas On January - 28 - 2011

Buying a new computer these days, chances are, it will come pre-installed with Windows 7 Home Premium Edition. That makes sense from the vendor’s standpoint, as the license for Home Premium costs less and it still has most of the functionality and features that the average user will want. But what if you aren’t the average user?

Looking to Upgrade? How to upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 7 Professional

Some Vendors only offer the Windows 7 Starter Edition, which in my point of view is a sham to make you pay even more money for your computer. Steer away from these offers I say – unless of course you enjoy NOT being able to change your wallpaper – ever again.

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Windows 7 Resource Monitor IconIn earlier versions of Windows, you’d need a third-party solution to help you monitor key subsystems (CPU, RAM etc.) of your computer. With Vista, came the Resource Monitor (Resmon) and with Windows 7 came improvements to the Resource Monitor.

In this guide, we talk more about Windows 7’s Resource Monitor. Previously, Angel Luis showed you how to determine if you need more RAM using Windows 7’s resource monitor. In this guide, we’ll show you what else you can monitor with Resource Monitor and help you interpret the data it gives.

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Computer Themed Desktop Wallpaper Collection

Posted by Rich On September - 29 - 2010

Desktop Wallpaper 510 Set 65

In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is computer themed wallpapers (yes, most of them are Apple themed.) If you’re looking for Windows themed wallpapers, you can access them on the Wallpapers by genre page. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.

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121 Device, Drive, Folder & Filetype PNG/ICO Icon Packs

Posted by Rich On September - 14 - 2010

30 Free Icon Packs

This week, we have a collection of device, drive, folder, and filetype icon packs. You can use these icons for Windows customization, web sites, applications, mobile apps, posters, and more; however, just because the pack is free doesn’t mean there’s no attached license. Please be sure to check the license for each pack you download as each differs. The license should be available from the site you’re led to and often it’s in the download. If you know of any good icon packs to include in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Desktop icon pack collections organized by genre.

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