One of the improvements in Excel 2007 is the rebuilt Chart Tool. “It used to be so easy” to create charts in Excel, just highlight an area of cells and click Create Chart, and voilá. Well it still is – it only looks a bit different. In this mini-tutorial I’m using an example from work, tho the names, and numbers have been altered.
The Mission
At work we have tightened security on mobile Exchange Synchronization. A security policy has been set which requires that we ask each of the 2.500 users to read the new guidelines. Failure to accept the new policy guidelines will result in the user loosing access to the server. To be able to monitor the progress of this work (making sure we know that every user has read and accepted) I was asked to create a chart to graphically display the weekly progress, number of emails sent, number of accepts etc. The challenge is that we only record names, and dates for each occurrence (notice sent, reply received, account open or closed).