This tutorial has been on my mind off and on for several months now. Joining the team here at Windows Guides has given me the opportunity to finally post it. After my son asked me a few weeks ago for a good proxy I thought maybe I dedicate this and the next tutorial to him.
This is a long yet not a really difficult tutorial if you follow along. I have done my best to simplify it as much as possible. May I suggest you read the whole thing and get your downloads together before you start.
In order to set up your new proxy you will need to have a Google account.
Go to Google app engine and sign-in using your Google account.
Click the “Create an Application” button. Since this is your first time, Google will send a verification code via SMS to your mobile phone number.
If you get to this point and find your carrier not listed. You can sign up for a phone number at Google voice and register with the number you choose from Google Voice.
Type the code you were sent to create apps with Google App Engine. Click the Send button.
Choose a domain name that will host your proxy server. Use a something unique to you, this is your permanent sub-domain name. Then make sure the domain is available, agree to the Google Terms and click save. The sub-domain is also your App ID and will uniquely identify your proxy application.
For this example, we’ll use jttm-server-prox as the App ID though you are free to choose any other unique name. The jttm being my sons initials and unique to him.
Once you have agreed to the terms your and everything is set, the Application Registered Successfully window will appear. Your ID is registered and waiting for you to use it for the first time. There are a couple of pieces missing yet from the puzzle so let’s get jiggy with it.
It’s time to create and upload the proxy server application to Google App Engine. Go to, download the 2.6.6 MSI installer.
Check the save file radio button and then click save file.
Save the installer to your desktop.
Now click the cute little icon to get your install started. Accepting all the defaults in the install seems to make life much easier.
Of course we do, Click the run button.
You can switch whether to allow other users to use the Python program or not, we are just accepting the defaults, Click Next.
Again we are just accepting the defaults. Click next. Note: If you change the destination you will alter other parts of the tutorial.
No need to change anything here. Click next.
Wait for it.
Click the Finish button and Python is installed. Now we need to install the Google App Engine itself.
Once Python is installed, go to, download the Google App Engine SDK for Python and install it accepting all the defaults throughout the install.
Click on the save radio button then click save file. Save it to your desktop same as you did the Python 2.6.6. installer.
Click the new Google App icon to start the install.
Click the Run button.
Click Next.
Check I accept the terms in the License Agreement box and click the Next button.
Accept the defaults here and click the Next button. Note: If you change the destination folder you will alter the tutorial in the final stages.
Shucks, isn’t that why we’re here. Click the Install button.
Again we wait for it. A few seconds later.
Poof, Click the Finish button and the App Engine is installed. Now lets work it.
Start the Google App Engine Launcher program from the new jet engine icon now on your desktop. Notice in the background.
A warning window will appear, this is ok since we haven’t set App Engine up yet. Just click the OK button to close this and go to the next step.
With Google App Launcher window open we need to do some set up here.
Click Edit, then Preferences from the drop down menu. Set the correct values (See screenshot above). You can type these values in or browse to the correct folder and find the value that way. Note: If you use a different version of Python the Python Path will change. Also if you changed any install path on either install this is changed.
Here are the paths just in case you can’t see them in the screenshot. Just copy and paste.
C:\Python26\pythonw.exe C:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine C:\Windows\notpad.exe Click ok when finished.
Download this zip file and extract the file to a folder on your desktop. The zip file contains a couple of text files written in HTML and Python that you can read and edit with notepad. These will be uploaded in the next step.
Back at your App Engine Launcher. Click File then Add Existing Application from the drop down under the Google App Launcher program and browse to the directory or folder that you just created from the zip file you downloaded.
Single click Your_App_ID to highlight it, Click the Edit button and replace “YOUR_APP_ID” with the ID sub-domain that you reserved earlier. The one I created is jttm-server-prox.
You should end up with something like this except with your sub-domain name you created earlier. Getting excited we’re almost finished.
Click the Deploy tab then type in your Google credentials and Click the OK button.
Deployment to Google window will come up; let it work its magic.
The last message is pretty straight forward, Just X out.
Open a browser and type in your address like so… replacing with your ID.
You can edit the main.html file that came in the zip file with notepad to change the appearance of your proxy server. Once you make a change then you hit the deploy button on the Google App Engine Launcher.
This is a really simple program with no security except obscurity involved. You’ll find some website will not work well. I’m working on a secure proxy for the next tutorial so keep an eye open.
Well it was good for me; was it good for you? See you next time.
Rick Mizell
Python 2.6.6 MSI installer
Google App Engine SDK
About Rick
The original HighTechRedNeck in Nashville Tn. I run a small "Not just another Computer Repair Co." in Nashville. My interest are anything with an IP address with an emphasis in Data Recoveries, Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics. Don't bother asking what my Certs are, I have a few, but I am a true blue Home Schooled Geek. Set up my first e-mail in 1995 and been a Geeking ever since. If you want to know more try Google. Be Blessed and Hack Well!
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Dear Rick
Great tutorial, but I feel like I’m back at school with my hand up and feeling really embarrassed having listened attentively to the whole lecture by the teacher and not able to
understand any of it because fhe teacher accidentally missed out one vital ingredient
What’s a proxy, what can it do for me and how do I use it?
The sign is on the door to the class, Setting up your own proxy, if you walked into the class then you know what and how to use the proxy your here to learn how to set one up. No beating around the bush just meat and potatoes.
Dear Rick
Great tutorial, but I feel like I’m back at school with my hand up and feeling really embarrassed having listened attentively to the whole lecture by the teacher and not able to
understand any of it because fhe teacher accidentally missed out one vital ingredient
What’s a proxy, what can it do for me and how do I use it?
Dear Rick
you sent me this reply by email:
“Triage Teknologics wrote, in response to Hardysmiff (unregistered):
The sign is on the door to the class, Setting up your own proxy, if you walked into the class then you know what and how to use the proxy your here to learn how to set one up. No beating around the bush just meat and potatoes.”
For your information I signed up/subscribed to not Triage Teknologics in order to learn about computing and you sent the article to me!
but if are going to use people like you with such a superiof holier than fhou attitude that causes you to be so far above beginners like me that you cannot be bothered to at least simply anwer my question then you can get stuffed and I’ll unsubscribe from and go elsewhere!
I also noticed you didn’t publish your superrior holier than though attitudinal message to me in these comments but sent it to me in a private email..
Why was that?
Didn’t you want other people including to realise what a jerk you can be?
yours with as much respect as you truly deserve
The comment was also posted here. You just received an email notification letting you know there is a response to your post (which makes it look like Rick emailed you directly.) I hope that clears this up a little. I don’t think Rick meant to put down beginners I just think the article is written with an assumption that you a reader knows what a proxy is.
To find out more about the use of a proxy, this is a good start:
Sorry for all the confusion :)
“superrior holier than though”?
Get a spel chekr duud.
Or stop using IE! :)
Either you’re trolling hard, or you’re just an idiot. It’s like signing up for calculus and then asking how to add. If you don’t know what it is, you probably don’t need it, so don’t read it, and don’t whine at other people. If you want to find out, google it yourself, you don’t need people to do that for you.
Great article, got mine up and running within the hour. Top notch content :)
Ick… Your screenshots are horrible:)
(informative article though)
Your right about the screen-shots and I have remedied the user malfunction.
Thank you David
for the kind of answer I would have expected and greatly appreciated from the article’s author
yours with gratitude and respect
the site disables flah player and youtube videos how do i fix this?
Nothing shows up when i click the edit button on google app engine lanucher…
Are you still planning on posting instructions for a secure proxy – one that might allow one to access Facebook from behind a firewall?
Can’t download the file anymore. Where did it end up?
same, anyone?
Hi Rick,
Thanks for the very thorough step by step tutorial. I have a problem, I can’t edit the “your app id”. I click on the “edit” button and it does nothing. Any tips?
I found out what I did wrong. I misspelled “notpad” wrong. This is what happens when you write up a great tutorial. I just follow it blindly without thinking.