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James, from LAlarm.com, offers the following tip:

Don’t throw your old USB flash drive away. Instead, you can use an old flash drive to prevent your laptop from being stolen. Here is how.

  1. Install free software on your laptop. www.lalarm.com/LaptopAlarm. (free for personal use)
  2. Fasten a neck strap to your old USB flash drive.
  3. Fasten the other end of the strap to a table.
  4. Plug in the USB flash drive into a USB port of a laptop.
  5. Lock the laptop by pressing the Windows logo key and L key together.

When a thief removes the laptop from the table, the USB flash drive will be disconnected from the laptop and then a loud siren sound will be emitted. (See photos: www.lalarm.com/arm2) In addition to sounding an alarm, the software sends an alert to your mobile phone. This tip is also useful if you worry about identity theft. The free software destroys data in case of laptop theft.

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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6 thoughts on “How To Put An Old Flash Drive To Good Use”

  1. Alan Douglas says:

    “The free software destroys data in case of laptop theft.”
    What a great way to increase your chances of accidentally destroying your data!

  2. Alan Douglas says:

    “The free software destroys data in case of laptop theft.”
    What a great way to increase your chances of accidentally destroying your data!

  3. Alan Douglas says:

    “The free software destroys data in case of laptop theft.”
    What a great way to increase your chances of accidentally destroying your data!

  4. kerry hr says:

    So what if they notice the neckstrap and cut it, then they get the usb stick too, or simply power it off?

  5. kerry hr says:

    So what if they notice the neckstrap and cut it, then they get the usb stick too, or simply power it off?

  6. kerry hr says:

    So what if they notice the neckstrap and cut it, then they get the usb stick too, or simply power it off?

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