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If you are using a smaller Laptop (netbook etc.) you are facing the problem (or should I say challenge) of  low screen resolution.

The lack of space (on your screen)  makes it difficult to see all the information you want at all times. I use my netbook as my primary email and communication computer. Mostly because of its handy size and portability. The resolution is a mere 1024x600px which is to say at least not very High-Res. When it comes to using programs like Outlook, Word etc. with large ribbons or toolbars, the space available for work is, somewhat limited.

Luckily Office has one feature that gives me a bit more space for my chores: Temporarily hiding the Ribbons  

Double Click and Click

To make the Ribbons hide, all you have to do is Double Click one of the Ribbon Tabs.

To display the ribbons temporarily, simply click (once) the desired Ribbon Tab, and voilá it re-appears. When you take focus off of the ribbon (like clicking somewhere else on the screen) the ribbon goes back into hiding.

Should you wish to reset the Ribbon bar, then Double-Click any Ribbon Tab, and it will lock back into visible mode permanently.

Simple as that.

About Thomas

Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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2 thoughts on “Hide and Show the Office Ribbon [Quick Tip]”

  1. David Artiss says:

    Or, to hide and reveal the entire ribbon on one go, click on the arrows next to the question mark in the blue circle.

  2. Alessandro Trovato says:

    Or, press CTRL + F1

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