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As a hobbyist photographer, I only bring my camera along when there is an event/gathering/photography session. However, there are always times when an interesting scene or idea that’s worth a capture comes across my mind but the camera isn’t with me at that moment, and I have to rely on my mobile phone’s camera feature. While the camera on the phone isn’t that bad (upcoming Nokia N8 has a 12 Megapixels sensor), one of the big disadvantages for most of the phone’s camera is their poor light sensor (to compensate the small size of the phone), and under low light conditions, some of the photos taken have to deal with noise. In order to remove those noises to yield higher quality shots, post-processing is needed, and this is where Imagenomic Noiseware comes into play.

Clear the Noise for Me Please!

Imagenomic Noiseware is offered in three editions, namely the Community Edition (Free), Standard and Professional Edition (Paid version, free 15 days trial is available). Of course the paid edition consists of a number of nice features, but if you are looking for a simple program to do the de-noise job and have images in JPEG format, the free Imagenomic Noiseware Community Edition is sufficient for you (at least for me.) Noiseware Community Edition has a very simple and intuitive interface (screenshot below), and it’s quite impressive to have the fully customizable noise filter settings in the software, considering the software is being offered for free.

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Interface of Imagenomic Noiseware Community Edition

To remove the photo noise, just drag-and-drop the photo you desired into the software, and press the red ‘Go’ button after you have the noise filter configured to your desired settings (or you can try their default profile first if you have no idea on the configuration). Once the de-noise process is done, you will notice that the noise in the photo has been suppressed.  One of the features in Noiseware Community Edition I liked the most is the ability to compare pre and post-processing effects by just clicking on the photo; you are able to see the difference between them immediately. You might find that there is a slight drop in the image quality in term of sharpness and clarity, but a post-processing in image editing software should be able to restore the desired quality.


So how good is the noise filtering by Noiseware? Do check out the example that I produced myself, and I would say it is quite well done, what do you think?:


Before and after filtering

Although the batch process feature has been reserved for the paid edition of Noiseware, I believe that the Community Edition is quite adequate for most of the hobbyist photographers (unless every photo you have taken are full of noise which is a headache), and it is certainly a (free) gift for those who prefer to take photos with their camera phone and wanted the best quality out from the camera. Check out their comparison for the three different editions if you wanted to have more from the software, or you might prefer a Adobe photoshop plug-in version of Noiseware.

Do you have any other software that does the similar (or better job) than Imagenomic Noiseware? Or you have some tips for us on reducing noises in photos? Don’t hesitate to voice out at the comment area or write to us. We would like to hear them. Until then, enjoy your noise-less photos!

Download Imagenomic Noiseware(TM)

Download Imagenomic Noiseware(TM)

Download Imagenomic Noiseware(TM)

About ghost301

Biomedical Engineer graduate in Malaysia, currently Software Application Engineer and UI/UX Designer in Materialise. Graphic Design/UI/UX/Tech/Formula 1/Gadget/Android/iOS Enthusiast. Windows Guides writer (www.mintywhite.com) and run Techie Talkz.

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