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When I had Windows 7 installed, I noticed that the standard network icon in the task bar area doesn’t “light-up” when there is data throughput as I have been used to ever-since Windows 98. I suppose some people might argue that we have been spoiled a bit, but actually it gives you a sense of security when you’re busy working and you can see there is activity on the network when you expect it to be. Also, that is the quickest way you can see when something isn’t working correctly.

Taskbar with Windows 7 Network Icon

I did some searching on Google and found quite a number of network tools that you can use to substitute the network icon in the taskbar, but LanLights was the one I found to be a nice tool. It is a comprehensive monitoring tool for the expert and also just simply provides the network icon for the novice. The little program is very easy to install, and also works on Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME as well as Windows 98. I have not yet tested in Windows 95, but I suppose that would be taking it too far.

The point is, this is a very useful program that expands the taskbar icon into a nice network monitoring tool. LANLights can be downloaded from here.

LANLights Activity

After installing LANLights, click the “up-arrow” next to the taskbar icons and then click on “customize”.

Customise the Taskbar

In the customizations screen, locate the respective icons you would like to show or hide.

Find Icons and change their settings

Choose “Only show notifications” if you would like to hide this icon.

Only shows important notifications - Normally hidden

Or choose “Show icon and notifications” if you would like this icon to be displayed.

Always displays Icon

This should leave you with the LANlights tray icon displayed.

LANLights Icon

Of course, there are a few other nice options in LANLights which you’ll discover by looking through them, like…

Other options in LANLights

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One thought on “LanLights Shows Network Activity in the Windows 7 System Tray”

  1. Xelan says:

    There's also Network Activity Indicator 1.4. As far as I know, lan lights needs an install but NAI doesn't.

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