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Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices.   Used primarily on Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts, SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, which send information, notably passwords, in plaintext, leaving them open for interception.  The encryption used by SSH provides confidentiality and integrity of data over an insecure network, such as the Internet.”

What SSH’ing your device will allow, is customizing almost every part of your device.

A working Wi-Fi connection will be required for this guide.


Go ahead and open Cydia on your device.  When Cydia has started, tap Search.

Tap the search box and type; automatic ssh

Tap Automatic SSH from the search results.  On the next screen tap Install at the top right of the screen.

Confirm or queue the installation.  Once installed wait for the device to finish reloading data and return to Cydia.

Step 2.

Head over here to get the latest release of WinSCP (at time of writing 4.2.5) for Windows.  Install as usual.  (XP,Vista & 7 compatible)

Step 3.

We need to know the IP address of the device, so, tap Settings > Wi-Fi > The Arrow next to your connection.  The first set of numbers, is the address we need.  Make a note of this number.

Step 4.

Open up WinSCP, in the left pane, make sure that Stored sessions is selected.  On the right, click New.

Step 5.

Under Session, type out;

Host name = Your IP address

User name = root

Password = alpine

Leave everything else as default.

Click Save, name your session, leave the Save password check box unchecked and hit OK.

Step 6.

Select your new session and click Login. Wait for a password prompt, enter the password (alpine) and click OK.

You should now be looking at an Explorer type Window.  Windows is on the right hand side, your device on the right hand side.  You can now go ahead and customize your device to your heart’s content!

Step 7. (Important)

The next thing we need to do before we can start playing too much is to change the root password from alpine to what ever you like.
On your device, open Cydia.  Once it’s opened, tap Search.

Tap the search box and type; mobileterminal
Tap MobileTerminal from the search results.  On the next screen tap Install at the top right of the screen.
Confirm or queue the installation.  Once installed wait for the device to finish reloading data and return home.

Step 8.

Open the Terminal. In the first line type, su and tap return.
In the second line type the password (alpine), tap return. (Note: Password characters are not displayed when typing)
In the next line type; passwd, tap return.
Type a new root (admin) password, hit return.

Confirm the new password and tap return.
Tap any blank part of the screen and tap exit in the box that pops up.
Confirm the quit from Terminal by tapping Yes.

Thats’s your device now secured.  Be sure to remember the password as you’ll need it for WinSCP.  Remember the default password was alpine?  Well it’s not anymore, it’s the password you specified in the terminal.
Happy SSH’ing :)

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8 thoughts on “SSH into your (Jailbroken) device [How To]”

  1. June Ketrick says:

    Awesome instructions very easy Thank You! :)

  2. June Ketrick says:

    Awesome instructions very easy Thank You! :)

  3. June Ketrick says:

    Awesome instructions very easy Thank You! :)

  4. RSVR85 says:

    You’re welcome, i’m glad you found it useful :)

  5. RSVR85 says:

    You’re welcome, i’m glad you found it useful :)

  6. RSVR85 says:

    You’re welcome, i’m glad you found it useful :)

  7. Sabbesyed says:

    ‘Thank you, worked very well and it was an excellent guide:)

  8. Ahsan says:

    Do we have to use mobile terminal cant we use ifiles

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