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Resize images with paint.net 1

Paint.NET is an excellent, free program, which helps you manipulate your images and create some of your own. I’ve reviewed Paint.NET before and in this guide, I’ll show you how to resize a picture with this program. While this task may be simple for many of you, we all have to start somewhere. You may want to skip this guide if you can confidently resize a picture.

Resize Your Images – Paint.NET 101

To resize your images, do the following:

  1. Download Paint.NET
  2. Open Paint.NET, click on File > Open 

    Resize images with paint.net 1

  3. Choose your file to resizeResize images with paint.net 2
  4. Click Image > Resize 

    Resize images with paint.net 3

  5. You have the choice to resize an image by percentage:Resize images with paint.net 4
  6. Or you can resize the image to a specific size in pixels. Remember to leave Maintain aspect ratio selected or you’ll get a funny-looking image.Resize images with paint.net 5
  7. Now your image is resized.Resize images with paint.net 6

There will be more guides, which will help you learn how to use Paint.NET, in the near future. Stay tuned.

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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3 thoughts on “Resize Pictures and Photos with Paint.NET”

  1. Gary Goldsmith says:

    Thanks for the review Rich. This is a great and powerful free program. I’m a Fractal artist and even thpough I have Photoshop and PSP X2 I still use Paint.net. Great choice for a review. Great review!

  2. Gary Goldsmith says:

    Thanks for the review Rich. This is a great and powerful free program. I’m a Fractal artist and even thpough I have Photoshop and PSP X2 I still use Paint.net. Great choice for a review. Great review!

  3. Gary Goldsmith says:

    Thanks for the review Rich. This is a great and powerful free program. I’m a Fractal artist and even thpough I have Photoshop and PSP X2 I still use Paint.net. Great choice for a review. Great review!

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