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XdN Tweaker Logo

XdN Tweaker is a free tweaking program for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7.

If you like to take more control of your computer and apply tweaks that enhance your user experience, then this tool is for you. Learn, in this guide, what XdN Tweaker does and how to get it.

XdN Tweaker is much like previous tweaking utilities I’ve covered in the past. The interface is clean and informative. The program is easy to use and I’m sure you’ll find some use in it.

For example, you can remove shortcut overlays without using a registry hack or dedicated program.

XdN Tweaker Remove Icon Overlays

Here is my desktop without shortcut overlays — doesn’t it look so much cleaner?

XdN Tweaker Desktop Screenshot

You can clean up the right-click context menu, which I found really useful.

XdN Tweaker 3

You can also disable alerts that you don’t care for, such as: balloon tips and low-disk-space alerts.

XdN Tweaker 4

XdN Tweaker comes packed with lots of other features, not covered in this review, to keep you busy and customize your system to your needs.

Download XdN Tweaker

Download XdN Tweaker

About Rich

Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix them.

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4 thoughts on “XdN Tweaker Customizes Windows XP, Server 2003, Vista, and 7”

  1. RSVR85 says:

    I like this one, it’s got lots of very useful tweaks. BTW. Rich, where did the rating system go?

  2. RSVR85 says:

    I like this one, it’s got lots of very useful tweaks. BTW. Rich, where did the rating system go?

  3. Rich says:

    I’m only using ratings on full-detail reviews, so there will be more popping up in the future.

  4. Rich says:

    I’m only using ratings on full-detail reviews, so there will be more popping up in the future.

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