Did you know that by choosing the right font you can actually make your inkjet printer more cost-effective ?
From time to time you’ll find link to free typefaces and fonts here on mintywhite which I’m sure you have put to good use – I know I have. I always thought that it was heavy colors and graphics that caused my ink to run out faster than greased lightning. But now it turns out that by choosing the right font when printing your documents, you can actually save lots of ink and money.
Designers Matt Robinson and Tom Wrigglesworth looked at ink usage of some commonly used typefaces, by hand-drawing them with ballpoint pens. And the results really amazed me.
Read on to see which font is more economical in use…
The Winner is…
Not too surprisingly the font Impact uses a lot of ink, and so does Cooper Black. But I was quite stunned to find out that even the good old Times New Roman isn’t the most cost-effective font you can use either.
The best font you can use when you want to save money is: Garamond. Garamond uses about half the amount of ink needed when compared with Impact or Cooper Black.
You can read more about this experiment here!
About Thomas
Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...
Thanks for this great information. Now if you want to efficiently use your ink then you should use Garamond as font.