I’ve just received word from Brady White, and here are the winners of the upcoming full version of NoteSync !
There were literally tons of good suggestions for NoteSync. Some of which will be implemented in the release expected to hit the shelves in mid May.
There were some ideas that will take a bit longer to implement, but all of the winning suggestions will be a part of a future release.
The winners will receive their license as soon as NoteSync is released to the public.
Without further delay, Here are the result of the Brady White Votes:
@notesync i’d love the ability to sort the note list various ways (date/alphabetical/etc) #wg
Comment: Will appear in Beta 1.1.0
@notesync i emailed already about this, but how about a shortcut to open up NoteSync? ie: Windows has a shortcut to Run (Windows+R) #wg
Comment: Scheduled for future release
@NoteSync #wg I would love to have some kind of labeling in Notesync, just like the labels in GDocs. And from there, exporting a folder.
Comment: – Labels / tags scheduled for future release
@notesync I want to minimize to icon area, let me free up my task bar! #wg
Comment: – In Beta 1.1.0
@notesync A hotkey to return home to the main docs list would be great. ‘Ctr-H’ would be perfect. #wg
Comment: – In Beta 1.1.0, Ctr-L now clears the search, returning the user home to their main docs list
Congratulations to all !
There you have it, yet again!
Participate in our contests and put your influence at work !
About Thomas
Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...
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