We have previously reviewed Collage Maker Pro (Read it Here). John, the developer is very interested in knowing how to improve his product and he offered 5 licenses to those who could come up with the best suggestions for improvement.
About the competition John said: “I was glad to see there were people interested in the contest. The feedback was interesting and there were some ideas I hadn’t thought about before.”
So there you have it, by regularly visit us at mintywhite you’re not only getting the chance to win wonderful software, but also have a say in how they should work in the future.
Read on to see who won, and what they would expect to see in a future edition of Collage Maker Pro.
The winners
Evandro : I was impressed with all the capabilities offered by the program […] Just a suggestion for the future, the program could have the option to import stamps, and create screen savers with images mounted.
Ram Yap : I would like it to have an option to view the collage pictures made in a slide show and the ability to link or upload the collage pictures from the software itself directly to networking sites like Facebook and Friendster.
Terrell Neuage : I would like to have a social mash up button eg. a Facebook application where I could start a collage and have others add or change it including adding text
Manoj Verma : […] custom shapes and texts.. I think a feature like this could be there in collage maker.. further i would like to see a wizard tool for more easy use…
David Dee : The majority of my students would require an “undo” button. Nice program all around except for the undo issue.
Congratulations to all !
Want to try it out for yourself ?
Download Collage Maker |
About Thomas
Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...
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