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Time Freeze is a Virtual machine (of sorts) that keep your computer safe from viruses, spyware, Trojans and other malicious threats. It puts the real system under protection and creates a virtual environment for system partition, on which you run applications and surf the Internet. All traces and malicious threats will disappear after reboot. You use your computer as you are custom to. The difference is that, when you reboot your computer, it get reset. Every change to the system made by any program will be gone and forgotten.

Windows Guides’ Rating Compatible with
1 Star1 Star1 Star1 Star0 Star4 out of 5 [ratings id=”6283″] Windows 7Windows VistaWindows XP

Wondershare has kindly offered us 5 licenses of their Pro version (2.0) to giveaway to you our faithful readers. The entry is easy, so read on to see how to win one.

How to Win…

This time entry is easy. Simply Tell others about Time Freeze with a link back to our review. You can use Twitter, Facebook, Google Buzz, Delicious.com etc. Then collect the link(s) to your postings in an email (one Email per contestant) and send it to . With “Time Freeze Competition” in the subject line.

[UPDATE] As mentioned in the comment below, we accept ANY referral. So if you tell your friends, dog, cat, boss about it – write that in the entry email and you’re good to enter.

Competition Expires

Enter the competition no later than Sunday August 22nd, 2010. Winners will receive an email with the details.


Just follow the instructions above, and your entry should be good to go.

About Thomas

Computer geek from the age of 7, which amounts to 30 years of computer experience. From the early days (when every computer company had their own OS) of DOS, Windows 1.0 through Seven...

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7 thoughts on “[Expired] 5 Licenses for TimeFreeze 2.0”

  1. startup65 says:

    How can readers enter who do not use Twitter,Facebook or other similar sites? This is a great offer and I am sure others would like to enter as well. Thank You

    1. Thomas says:

      Hi, Any referral will do :-)
      We are not set on rules here, so If you like to participate, just enter your name.
      You may also simply click on the BUZZ button in the floating “vote box”.

  2. rizky fajar says:

    I'm still a newbie in this case, I do not understand what should I do, can you give step by step to be able to follow this competition ?


  3. Diane says:

    To participate in this Competition per email is a good idea. Thx Diane

  4. Thomas_mintywhite says:

    Just tell someone about this product, then send an email to With your name in it. Type “Time Freeze” in the Subject line :-)

  5. Rich says:

    Thanks for helping those without social networking accounts to enter :) Much appreciated.

  6. Anselma says:

    Thank you very much, Thomas!
    I saw my inbox and found my license. I will use TimeFreeze carefully.

Comments are closed.

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