www.mintywhite.com is giving away one (3) copies, worth $99.95 each, of DemoCreator to three (3) helpful Windows Guides readers. Simply do one (or all three) of the following to be automatically be entered into the competition.
- Write a Windows XP tip/guide/tutorial* etc in the Windows XP forum
AND/OR - Write a Windows Vista tip/guide/tutorial* etc in the Windows Vista forum
AND/OR - Subscribe to Windows Guides via email and comment, under the same email address, on this post**
* Multiple tips on the forums will faciliate in winning.
** Only one entry per email address will be considered.
What are the Criteria?
The tips from the first two options will be judged by HappyAndyK, a Microsoft MVP, of WinVistaClub, based upon the following criteria:
- Does the tip work?
- Is the tip useful?
- Is the tip clear and easy to follow?
- Is the tip creative?
The comment on this post will be randomly picked, and if the commenter is an email subscriber, they will automatically be a winner.
When Does the Competition End?
This giveaway closes at 11PM MDT(-7), Nov 16, 2008. The winners will be announced on this site on Nov 17, 2008.
UPDATE: Winners announced!
About Rich
Rich is the owner and creator of Windows Guides; he spends his time breaking things on his PC so he can write how-to guides to fix the problems he creates.
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