We’ve all been there, we want to copy a bunch of files from one folder to another, but we only want to copy the files that don’t already exist there. Ordinarily you would have to sit and press “No” countless times. This is not an issue with Windows Vista, but if you use XP, this guide is for you.
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‘No to All’ Functionality When Copying Files in Windows XP
Mute Your Speakers at Night with Windows Scheduled Tasks [How To]
You may want to set up a scheduled task to mute your speakers overnight. If you use instant messaging programs, have audible e-mail alerts etc. this can be very useful. In this guide you will learn how to automatically mute your speakers overnight.
Customize Windows Right Click Menu with MMM Free
MMM free is a great application that lets you customize your right-click menu in Windows XP. After installing a number of programs, your right-click menu can become cluttered with items you will never use – follow this guide and get on top of things again!
Use a Shortcut Key to Safely Remove Hardware [How To]
Many of you who use USB drives will benefit from this quick fix. Safely removing hardware can be a pain when you have to click the button every time. In this guide you will learn how to assign a keyboard shortcut to the Safely Remove Hardware Dialog.
Group Similar Taskbar Windows all the Time in Windows
This is a quick trick that will allow you to force grouping of similar items on your task bar. This can be very useful, for example: if you have a few browser windows open — but not enough to switch on the auto grouping — and you want to see them collectively.
Disable Use the Web Service Prompt on Unknown Filetypes
When you try to open an unknown file type in windows, you’ll be prompted to Use the Web Service to find the correct program or Select a program from a list of installed programs. This can become annoying if you never use it; in this guide you will learn how to disable this feature.