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Microsoft Security Essentials Icon 5 Things You Should Know About Microsoft Security Essentials

Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is becoming a good alternative for those who prefer to have a free security solution.

How to get the Latest MSE Definitions

If your system cannot connect to the internet, due to a virus infection, this is your only way to be updated.  If you are experiencing problems updating your antivirus you can use this method.

The following links download the utilities, different for 32 and 64 bit operating systems,  that install the latest definitions:

Definition updates for Microsoft Security Essentials on computers running x64- based versions of Windows

Definition updates for Microsoft Security Essentials on computers running x32- based versions of Windows

Hint: Am I running Windows 32 or 64-bit?

When installing on Windows 7 and Vista you need to run as administrator. Right click mpam-fe.exe, click Run as administrator, and then click Run.

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Basic Network Commands and their Usage [Introduction]

Posted by Angel Luis On June - 28 - 20106 COMMENTS

New to using the command prompt? Check out the Windows Command Prompt Beginner’s Guide

Windows 7 Network Basic Network Commands and their Usage [Introduction]The internet changes very quickly; for that reason, stepping back to the basics is very important. As you may know, the internet is no more than a collection of interconnected networks.

In this post I will show a list of basic network commands. Even if you haven’t used any of these before, it is useful to know they exist. As always, increasing your knowledge is the better way to achieve your goals.

To run these commands, open a command prompt:

  1. Click Start and then click Run (or Winkey+R.)
  2. Type cmd and press Enter.

arp -a

This tool handles the resolution of a IP to a physical address. The command gives a list of IPs and physical addresses on your local network.

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Windows 7 Security Ok 8 Antivirus Uninstall Utilities—Completely Remove AV InstallationsThe problems you must face using an Antivirus are not always obvious. By not properly uninstalling an antivirus programs, you can experience system instabilities.

It is not unusual that you find problems when installing a new antivirus program due to traces of the older one.

The first choice you should use is the uninstaller that comes with the software. But if something happens on the process the following list can solve your problems:


Panda has created an uninstall program for every product, so select the proper one:

Panda Antivirus, Firewall 2007 Uninstall Utility

Panda Antivirus, Firewall 2008 Uninstall Utility

Panda Antivirus, Firewall 2009 Uninstall Utility

Panda Antivirus, Firewall 2010 Uninstall Utility


Removal Tool for Kaspersky Lab Products

This removal tool can uninstall all versions of Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security but under 64 bit operating systems versions 6 and 7 of the products.


For reasons that I don’t understand, Norton Antivirus leaves a lot of  traces even if you uninstall it using the default uninstaller.

Norton Removal Tool


F-secure has created an extensive page about how to removal its antivirus:

Advanced F-Secure product removal

There is an uninstaller tool but F-secure only recommends it as a last resort.


Bitdefender Uninstall Tool


Avg Remover


Avast Uninstall Utility


How to uninstall or reinstall supported McAfee consumer products using the McAfee Consumer Products Removal tool

Which program did we miss? Now you’ve removed your bloated AV software, check out the free Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE).

Hack InPrivate Browsing [How To]

Posted by Angel Luis On June - 15 - 201039 COMMENTS

InternetExplorerIcon Hack InPrivate Browsing [How To]Do you think your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you? Are your children visiting webs and you don’t know anything about?

Many features we find in modern software are very useful, but sometimes, is complicated to know what they actually do.

InPrivate Browsing is of this kind. The name itself drives to confusion. If you haven’t read about it, you might think is a sort of protection over your privacy on Internet.

To complicate the things a bit, the browser even comes with two new modes with similar names, InPrivate Browsing and InPrivate Filtering.

This is what Microsoft tell us about InPrivate Browsing:

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lock LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications A few weeks back you got to read about a small utility that allows you to lock your keyboard and mouse when leaving your computer on (Read here). And a while back, I told you about Predator which allows you to lock your Computer using a USB Flash Drive (Read Here). This time I\’m bringing you a way to lock single applications, so that you can leave your computer on for others to use, and at the same time protect running applications from tampering or accidental shut-down.

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on LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications on LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications on LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications on LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications off LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications 4 out of 5 7 LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications vista LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications xp LockThis! Password Protect Single Applications

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Soluto, the Anti-Frustration Software…

Posted by Thomas On June - 10 - 201017 COMMENTS

the problem img 500x169 Soluto, the Anti Frustration Software... We have all come to expect our computers to be sluggish or unresponsive at times, for no apparent reason. Sometimes it’s because Windows is set to load tons of unneccessary drivers at boot up, other times it’s an outdated driver or some applications you weren’t aware of was running. And sometimes it’s your expensive valid software that’s taking all your resources.

Unless you’re a real techie… looking at the Task Manager isn’t going to do you any good. so why not try something new ?

Try Soluto, the  “Anti-Frustration Software“…

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