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New Forum Added: Windows 7 Tutorials

Posted by Rich On August - 21 - 20102 COMMENTS

369 New Forum Added: Windows 7 TutorialsOn Windows Forums, members have shared some great tutorials and to help you find them, we’ve created a Windows 7 Tutorials forum.

Here are some of the recent topics in the forum:

Windows 7 Tutorials forum

Windows 7 Customizations [Windows Forums]

Posted by Stu On August - 21 - 2010ADD COMMENTS

197 7 256x256x32 Windows 7 Customizations [Windows Forums]

Yesterday, Rich let you know about our new sub-forum; Windows 7 Customization.

Today i want to share with you some of the great content that resides here.

A big thanks go to our forum members that have contributed….keep it up!

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3 Great Freeware Font Management Programs

Posted by Thomas On August - 21 - 2010ADD COMMENTS

FontFolder 3 Great Freeware Font Management ProgramsAre you a fan of fonts? I know I am. And if you have visited this site for some time, you will no doubt be sitting on a huge pile of free fonts. Now, Windows doesn’t have a specific number of maximum allowed fonts you can enable (or install) – but installing each and every one you own at once, will increase boot time and may slow your system down to snail pace…There are many applications out there that will help you to manage your fonts by enabling the font you need – when you need it. The best programs also help you sort your fonts for easier management. The best ones, aren’t free (usually), and those who are, doesn’t always give you what you want, or need.For many years now I’ve been using a Font Management Program originally developed for the MAC platform called SuitCase. All though they have a free version, their best (and most functional, and costly) version is the paid version. Needing to upgrade my SuitCase Program I started out searching for a free tool that could replace it. Hoping to find at least one – I ended up with three promising alternatives. Read the rest of this entry »

ICO MYCOMPUTER 13 256x256x32 Rebuild your Corrupt Icon Cache with IconCache Rebuilder

TWC in conjunction with Lee Whittington have released IconCache Rebuilder for those of you experiencing weird problems with your icons in Windows 7.

[UDATE – See Rich’s How-To guide to fix your corrupt icon cache manually]

Sometimes you may find an icon that just won’t display correctly no matter what you do.

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New Forum Added: Windows 7 Customization

Posted by Rich On August - 20 - 2010ADD COMMENTS

212 New Forum Added: Windows 7 CustomizationOn Windows Forums, members have shared some great customizations and to help you find them, we’ve created a Windows 7 Customization forum.

Here are some of the recent topics in the forum:

Windows 7 Customization forum

Microsoft Office 15 in the Making

Posted by Stu On August - 20 - 2010ADD COMMENTS

IDI SHELL 4 256x256x32 Microsoft Office 15 in the Making

According to several online sources.  Microsoft have officially started to work on Office 15.  They have already hit a preliminary internal assembly (Pre-Alpha); MSO_v15_1 & MSO_v15_2.

The sources indicate that new features and direction of development won’t be clear for another …

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