We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.
Archive for the ‘Desktop Wallpaper’ Category
Desktop Wallpaper: 50 High-resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 4]
Abstract Text Desktop Wallpaper Collection
In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is abstract text wallpapers. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.
Desktop Wallpaper: 50 High-resolution Wallpapers for Windows, Linux, Mac [Set 3]
We love desktop wallpaper on Windows Guides. Here’s a collection of 50 hand-picked high-resolution wallpapers from various sources online. Know a good place for wallpaper or have some to share? Let us know about it in the comments.
3D and Abstract Desktop Wallpaper Collection [Set 2]
In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is 3D and abstract wallpapers and this is part two. Part one is here. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.
3D and Abstract Desktop Wallpaper Collection [Set 1]
In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is 3D and abstract wallpapers with a second part due this wednesday. I hope you like them. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.
Desktop Wallpaper Collections Organized by Genre
As there are so many wallpapers on this site now (I haven’t counted, but I’d say 3,000+), it can be hard to find the ones you like. To help you dig through wallpapers here on Windows Guides, I’ve divided the wallpapers up into 15 different genres over 19 different collections. Today we released the 3D and Abstract Desktop Wallpaper Collection [Set 1] and we’ll release a new collection every Wednesday for the next 18 weeks. Want to be the first to know when the latest collection is released?
So here’s today’s (check back Wednesday for more great wallpapers or read the rest of the guide to see the other genre’s we have coming up):