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Here’s a list of questions I’m asked frequently about the free Books from Windows Guides:

Are the books really free? What’s the catch?

Why do I ask you to subscribe?

What skill level is required to follow these books?

How do I download the books?

How do I open and read the books?

What is the password for the books?

The password provided for the books does not work?

When I attempt to open the PDF, I get an error. What can I do?

Under what license are these books released?

Are the books really free?

Yes, the books are really free. All I ask is that you either sign up to our newsletter or our RSS feed emails; I hope that the emails will help you learn even more about PCs. There’s no catch here: this is just a geniune attempt to help Windows users. All ebooks are 100% content. No catches. There is no sales pitch. Your download is yours to keep, share, burn, distribute or email, just please keep it complete and unaltered.

Why do I ask you to subscribe?

To get the ebooks, listed above, you will need to subscribe to my site, but I promise your e-mail address will be kept private between you, me, and Feedburner (who send my newsletter out and can be trusted.) By subscribing, you’ll get updates from my site only.

This site serves as a hobby for me. The reason I want you to subscribe is because I publish a LOT of fun content on this site and I want you to get your hands on it before anyone else. By subscribing, you are doing nothing more than saying “let me know about the newest free stuff and tips on your site.” Yes, I want you to come back because it’s worth your time!

What skill level is required to use these books?

I’ve designed all my books to aim at users of all skill levels; even if you’re new to Windows or computers in general, you can still follow along easily. All books have a chapter titled Getting Started aimed at helping you build a solid foundation, which will help you as you work through the rest of each book.

How do I download the books?

To download the books, follow the instructions here: Instructions to get free books.

How do I open and read the books?

I recommend Adobe reader or PDF-XChange Viewer to open PDFs.

What is the password for the books?

If you sign up for the newsletter, the password and instructions will be sent straight away.

The password provided for the books does not work?

Please copy and paste the password, which is case sensitive, and it will work.

When I attempt to open the PDF, I get an error. What can I do?

When you open a downloaded PDF, you may see an error like this:

Explanation: The PDF download was interrupted in some way and now a corrupted PDF file is in your cache. Every time you attempt to download a new version, the corrupted version is retrieved from the cache.

Solution: Either clear your browser cache or use a different browser and download the PDF again.

Under what license are these books released?

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

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