Thomas's Archive
Thomas's website.
XP USERS: Remove you Username from the StartMenu [How To]
The XP start-menu displays your name (or the logged on user) on top. This is very handy in case you get amnesia and don’t remember who you are. But, it will also reveal who’s logged on, which can be a bad thing if you forget to remove the [Ed] *ahem* seedy content, or other non-work related stuff you’re doing on your computer. If you work at a high security environment, or just don’t want people to see who’s logged onto a certain computer, then this tip might just save your day.
Winners of WinX DVD Licenses…!!
Yet another Competition, successfully ended. Here is the list of our winners. If you ever should consider buying a DVD Copy/Backup program, it’s this one. You can make backups of your DVD collection with a few clicks – even the newest ones. And you get free lifetime updates.
Did you miss our review ? Read it here.
When you read through this list, you will notice that we only gave out 19 licenses, thou we promised 30 ?! That is true – as it turns out (and of course we expected as much) that not many of our readers use MAC. Therefore we were only able to give away 4 MAC licenses. However. IF you DO know someone who is bound to their love for MAC, tell them to send me an email at: begging (Ed note: or just asking nicely) me for a license, and I’ll be happy to accommodate. Tell them to Write: “MAC license Please” in the Subject line. Now, on to the business at hand… Read the rest of this entry »
Not too long ago, encrypting your computer, files or folders were something that only geeks or people in extreme high security jobs would do. Well people have since the dawn of wars, kingdoms and enemies, world leaders and their adversaries tried to hide information from unauthorized eyes, but nowadays – everyone seems to concerned with it.
Windows 7 supports many different solutions to encrypt (and thereby protect) your data (like: EFS and BitLocker).
But what do you use, if any ?
And are you truly concerned about the loss of important data at all ?
Or, do you still think that encryption is for geeks and government employees ?
Let’s hear your opinion ?
Tell us whether and how you use encryption on your Windows 7 computer. Do you routinely encrypt whole volumes and/or individual files? What types of information do you encrypt? Do you use BitLocker on portable computers only, or on your desktop system, too? Have you tried BitLocker to go for encrypting USB thumb drives and the like? Do you prefer a third-party solution? Have you had any encryption-related problems (such as not being able to access your own encrypted files)?
There’s no prize involved for this one (or who knows)
WINNERS of the NoteSync Competition
I’ve just received word from Brady White, and here are the winners of the upcoming full version of NoteSync !
There were literally tons of good suggestions for NoteSync. Some of which will be implemented in the release expected to hit the shelves in mid May.
There were some ideas that will take a bit longer to implement, but all of the winning suggestions will be a part of a future release.
The winners will receive their license as soon as NoteSync is released to the public.
Without further delay, Here are the result of the Brady White Votes:
Move Windows Between Monitors with MonitorSwitch
Do you have a multiple monitor setup ? I do – and I love it. I can’t begin to imagine how I ever managed without it.
As you know, moving windows between the monitors can be a tedious task, if you always drag them back and forth.
Now I’ve come across a freeware tool, that allow you to move windows between monitors with a single click.
It’s called MonitorSwitch and work on all Windows Platforms. And best of all it’s Freeware…
Competition Reminders – WinXDVD Ripper Platinum & Foxit Phantom PDF Suite
We know you love to win stuff here on Mintywhite – and we love to give stuff away. At the moment we have two competitions running.