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I am an Engineer of Telecommunications that love computers. My first computer was a Commodore 16kb, about 25 years ago and since then I am always fighting computers problems. Please visit my entries and ask me about whatever problem you have, I will be pleased to help you. My email is discoveryourpc [at] gmail [dot] com. You can follow me on twitter @agenlu or read my blog www.discoveryourpc.net

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“Here You Have” Virus Email

Posted by Angel Luis On September - 10 - 2010Comments Off on “Here You Have” Virus Email

If you receive an email with the subject “Here you have” or “Just for you” don’t open it because it can contains links to a virus. Read the rest of this entry »

The information displayed when a Windows system starts or shuts down is too simple. This makes very complicated to find the sources of a problem. For example, on a normal shut down you will see just two messages, Logging off:

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Google is Going to Index SVG Files

Posted by Angel Luis On September - 2 - 2010Comments Off on Google is Going to Index SVG Files

Google has announced that is going to start indexing SVG files. SVG, the acronym of Scalable Vector Graphics, is a XML based file format that is used to describe two-dimensional vector graphics.

Right now Google is indexing the following types:

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Some days ago I wrote a post about Hacking InPrivate Browsing, there you find useful information about how to find traces left by Internet Explorer using InPrivate Browsing.

Incognito Mode in Google Chrome, Private Browsing in Firefox, and InPrivate Browsing in Internet Explorer are, in essence, the same. This feature restricts the information that browser stores while using the internet. What information are we talking about?

  • History: If you enter a web page, information about the site, title and URL, as well as when that page was entered is saved.
  • Cookies: Many sites need to track information about the user, for example a set of books on a library site. One way to achieve this is using cookies that store the information on the user’s computer.
  • Cache: If you enter more than once on a website, the browser doesn’t need to download all components of that site every time. It’s clear that these programs need storage  and a way to organize the files.

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What is New In Google Chrome 6?

Posted by Angel Luis On August - 23 - 201011 COMMENTS

The Beta version of Google Chrome 6 was released on August 11, 2010. The browser has several versions as you can read in the post:  Google Chrome – Software channel breakdown, since that post was written, Google even created a new version named Canary but that is a topic for another post.

Chrome uses the source code of an open source project named Chrominum. The project is in version 7 at the moment.

At the time this article was written Google Chrome stable version is 5.0.375.127.

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As many of you may have noticed from one of my previous post, (Monitor CPU and Memory Usage with Just One Click in Windows 7), I am doing a little research about Powershell.  The new script language that is shipped with Windows 7.

Today I want to show you how to find the top 10 of largest files in a computer using this new feature.

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