In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is abstract text wallpapers. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.
Archive for September, 2010
Related Categories
Abstract Text Desktop Wallpaper Collection
On a Budget? Get Windows 7 and Office 2010 at Discount
If you are on a budget, a student, or just a normal family with normal income. Buying the latest software (legally) can be quite expensive. Especially if you own more than one computer.
Luckily there is an alternative … Student Discount.
First off, this deal is better for those living in Europe than for you over there in the US. But no matter where you live, you may get a discount offer. What differs between the US and Europe are the Terms.
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