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Internet Explorer 9 UI Confirmed

Posted by Stu On August - 25 - 20108 COMMENTS

7 9 256x256x32 Internet Explorer 9 UI ConfirmedIn three weeks, Microsoft is set to release the first public Beta release of Internet Explorer 9.  Details have been kept quite close to their chest but a Russian source has leaked a 100% genuine screenshot of Redmond’s new Web Browser.

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desktop wallpaper456 3D and Abstract Desktop Wallpaper Collection [Set 2]

In an effort to help you find the kinds of wallpapers you like, I’ve put together 19 collections of wallpapers that cover 15 different genres. This week’s genre is 3D and abstract wallpapers and this is part two. Part one is here. If you know of any other wallpapers that fit in this genre, please let me know. Looking for a different genre? Head here to see desktop wallpaper collections organized by genre.

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Tidy your ‘Send to’ Menu [Quick Tip]

Posted by Stu On August - 25 - 20104 COMMENTS

114 9 256x256x32 Tidy your ‘Send to’ Menu [Quick Tip]

After installing some software, an entry appears in your Send To Desktop context menu.

If you’ve a plethora of software installed on your system, this context menu can become cluttered and not as useful as intended my Microsoft.

This Quick Tip is going to show you how to tidy up your Send to menu.

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Actual Multiple Monitors is a software utility offering the unique set of productivity tools aimed to enhance the usability of Windows user interface when working with multi-monitor configurations (dual, triple and more).

Windows Guides’ Rating Compatible with
on Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should Workon Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should Workon Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should Workon Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should Workon Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should Work
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AMM sm Actual Multiple Monitors, The way Windows Should WorkNAME: Actual Multiple Monitors

PROS: A Complete Taskbar on every monitor, which gives you total control.

CONS: It’s not free

VERDICT: This is by far the best Multi Monitor System I’ve ever encountered. I love the endless possibilities, and control it gives me.

PRICE: $29,95



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Windows Media Center – One Remote Control, Many Uses

Posted by Deck Hazen On August - 24 - 20101 COMMENT

There were a number of surprise benefits I found upon making the conversion to Windows Media Center.

They don’t hype this much in the Microsoft literature on WMC, but I find the switch from 6 remote controls to just 1 a huge benefit. No more flailing around to set the TV to the right input, and the DVR to the right mode, and Sky box to the right channel etc. etc. It’s all right there on my new remote best friend.

The “Before” and “After” shots are below.

remoteBox1 Windows Media Center One Remote Control, Many Uses hpRemote1 Windows Media Center One Remote Control, Many Uses

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mouse track lg 220x220 Track Your Mouse Movements to Create a Mouse Path HistoryEver wonder how much you use your mouse when you’re using your computer? I think you’d be surprised to see just how much you use it. In this, guide I’ll show you how to get a small app called “MousePath” and how to get it to track your movements.

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