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Resize Images By Right-Click

Posted by Thomas On August - 1 - 20102 COMMENTS
hund 220x220 Resize Images By Right Click

Artwork by my daughter

If you are looking for an ingenious tool for resizing images, look no further. There are many programs promising to help you do this, but not as intuitive as the one I just found.

Image Resizer Powertoy Clone

This great application let you resize images directly from your Context Menu (Right Click Menu), using presets or custom size. Right Click an image and let Image Resizer Powertoy CLONE do its thing…

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clip image001 thumb Change the Start Up Sound in Windows 7 [How To]

One of the things Microsoft forgot to properly think about when making Windows 7, was the start-up sound.  With every new version of Windows should come a new start-up sound, however they chose to keep it the same as Vista.

If you’d like to change the start-up sound (the sound played when you get to your login screen) then this is the guide for you.  My favourite start-up sound comes from Windows 95 and I’ll be using its start-up sound for this guide.

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